Phospho IRF-7 (Ser 477/Ser479) assay Cellular kinase MTO
Contents General introduction Signaling pathway Assay format Product specifications Assay performances Ordering information Bibliography
Phospho IRF-7 (Ser477/Ser479): general introduction Interferon regulatory factor 7, known as IRF-7, belongs to the IRF family and is a key transcription factor that regulates anti-viral defenses by controlling the induction of type-I interferon (IFN) responses in Toll-like receptor pathway. IRF-7 is preferentially expressed in lymphoid cells and induced by virus, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and IFNα. In response to infection, IRF-7 is activated by phosphorylation on Serine 477/Serine 479 through the action of Iκκε and TANK-binding kinase 1 (TBK-1). Activation of IRF-7 leads to nuclear retention, DNA binding, and activation of IFNα promoters
Phospho IRF-7 (Ser477/Ser479): signaling pathway Associated therapeutic areas : Pathogen defenses Autoimmunity Inflammatory diseases
Phospho IRF-7 (Ser477/Ser479): assay format Cell stimulation: triggers activation Cell lysis: releases the phosphorylated kinase Kinase detection: detects the phosphorylated IRF-7 in a sandwich assay format using an anti-phospho IRF-7 antibody labeled with Eu3+-Cryptate and an anti-IRF-7 antibody labeled with d2
Phospho IRF-7 (Ser477/Ser479): product specifications Detection of endogenous level of IRF-7 phosphorylated on Ser 477/Ser479 in cell lysates Robustness of the assay High assay window Cross-reactivity tested: Human
Phospho IRF-7 (Ser477/Ser479): assay performance Positive lysates: treated to induce activation of IRF-7 in cells Negative lysates: untreated cell lysates
Phospho IRF-7 (Ser477/Ser479): assay performance Part number Description name Number of tests per kit List price 63ADK020PEG pIRF7 (Ser477/Ser479) - 500 tests 500 $1,450 63ADK020PEH pIRF7 (Ser477/Ser479) - 10,000 tests 10,000 $7,900
Bibliography of interest: IRF-7 is the master regulator of type-I interferon-dependent immune responses - Kenya Honda & al. | Nature 434, 772-777 (7 April 2005) Induction of IRF-3 and IRF-7 phosphorylation following activation of the RIG-I pathway - Paz S & al.| Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand). 2006 May 15;52(1):17-28. Role of a transductional–tanscriptional processor complex involving MyD88 and IRF-7 in Toll-like receptor signaling - Honda K & al. | Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004; 101(43):15416- 15421. Interferon-α induction through Toll-like receptors involves a direct interaction of IRF7 with MyD88 and TRAF6 - Kawai T & al. | Nat Immunol. 2004;5(10):1061-1068.
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