Pharmacy practice experience I Dara A. Mohammed College of Pharmacy University of Sulaimani
Steps for patient care process 1 Assessment of the patient’s drug related needs; described in ; The medication is appropriate (clinical indication for each medication). The medication is effective. The medication is safe. The patient is compliant (able and willing to take the medication as intended).
Steps for patient care process For good assessment: ( establish therapeutic relationship and elicit relevant information from patients like ; demographics, medical history, current medications, past medications, social drug use, immunizations, allergies…
Steps for patient care process A practical tool for assessing the patients is SOAPing S = subjective finding (sign & symptom). O = objective findings ( & physical examination). A = assessment based on S & O. P = plan for solving problems.
Steps for patient care process 2 Identify drug therapy problem: If the mentioned points are not met, a drug therapy problem exists. Then, it is the practitioner’s responsibility to identify, resolves and prevents drug therapy problems.
Steps for patient care process Examples about drug therapy problems: Unnecessary drug therapy. Needs additional drug therapy. Ineffective drug. Adverse drug reaction. Dosage is too low or too high. Non compliance.
Steps for patient care process 3 Develop a care plan , and conduct follow up evaluations to ensure that all drug therapies are effective and safe; it is the Ph. practitioner’s responsibility to assure that the goals of therapy are achieved, by developing a care plan for each medical condition and by conducting follow up evaluations at appropriate times.
Steps for patient care process This care plan can be done by: Considering therapeutic alternatives. Selecting patient specific pharmacotherapy. Considering non-drug interventions Educating patients. Establishing a schedule for follow up that is clinically appropriate and convenient for the patient.
Steps for patient care process Criteria for selecting patients for Ph. Care are : Patients taking more than 6 drugs. Patients with reduced kidney or liver function. Patient taking certain potent drug.
Steps for patient care process Barriers & challenges to Ph. Care : 1 The enemy within profession itself: some pharmacists are reluctant to change, or some lack confidence in their ability to implement Ph. Care and some fear increased liability. 2 Time: especially in the community pharmacy where the volume of prescriptions and paperwork is ever increasing.
Steps for patient care process 3 Lack of support. 4 Lack of payment: a minority of pharmacists believe that they should not perform any Ph. Care or any new services without being paid first. 5 Changes in pharmacy education.
Assignment What are the duties of a pharmacist in the community pharmacy generally? What did you see at your practice site about the role of the pharmacist? Give an example of what you saw?