Emotions & Motivation Jakub Jura Jakub.jura@fs.cvut.cz Engineering Psychology Emotions & Motivation fear, sadness, anxiety, anger, joy,happiness, interest, hunger, thirs, needs, Maslov, Yerkes-Dodson, sympaticus-parasympaticus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perception http://www.cns.nyu.edu/~msl/courses/0044/handouts/Weber.pdf http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weber%E2%80%93Fechner_law http://www.wikiskripta.eu/index.php/Weber-Fechner%C5%AFv_z%C3%A1kon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychophysics#Experimentation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gestalt_psychology#Uses_in_human.E2.80.93computer_interaction http://www.sapdesignguild.org/resources/optical_illusions/gestalt_laws.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory http://www.akademik.unsri.ac.id/download/journal/files/scipub/jcs_si_106-111.pdf Jakub Jura Jakub.jura@fs.cvut.cz http://users.fs.cvut.cz/~jurajaku/ing-psych/
What is emotions? Latin E + MOVERE Something which moveing out by ourselves Feeling of the mind as distinct from the cognitive. Grow from a temperament.
Basic directions ? Aproach Avoid Pleasing, hedoné Unpleasant, Unhedoné Tasty Untasty ?
Arousal Arousal is a physiological and psychological state of being awake or reactive to stimuli. How to monitor AROUSAL? EEG activities, Micro-motion (e.g. In stearing wheel) Affect Alertness Vigilance Sleepeness Relaxation Sleep Death
Basic emotions Arousal Hedone Hedonic continuum Unhedone
Physiological indicators of emotions Blood pressure Pulse Skin color Respiration rate (breathing in / out) Pupil size
Sympaticus / parasympaticus ENS (Enteric Nervous System) Preparing organism to action or relaxation, fight or digestion. Innervated Organ sympat para-s Heart frequency + - Blood vessel constriction dilatation Gastro-intestinal motility Pupil Liver … gluko - …synthesa …lysa Salivation
Polygraph Lie detector test Respiration Galvanic Skin Response Puls Rate Fistful of rici … if spit out it dry, then … … SALIVATION +/- http://www.odbornecasopisy.cz/index.php?id_document=28705
ARAS – ascendent reticular actiovating system Self-holding interconnection Cortex Sensors Motoric systems RF Visceral system Clock Ncl. suprachiasmaticus
Motivation … is vector Direction Strenght Motivation to …
Pleasure center
Homeostatic theory of motivativation Cybernetics model – Negative feedback Setpoint Hypothalamus Example: motivation Feeling Hungry Action: Motivated behaviour CCK Satisfaction Sensors: glucose temperature stomach motility stomach fullness
Maslow's hierarchy of needs Inductive Self-actualization What a man can be, he must be. need to be respected, be accepted and valued by others, feel self-value Self-esteem and social-esteem Reductive Love and belongingness friendship, Intimacy, family Safety needs personal security, safety place, healthy, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs Inferiority complex and depresion family violence, childhood abuse , post-traumatic stress disorder Physiological needs requirements for human survival: air, water, food, sex …
Yerkes-Dodson law Simple task → ← Difficult task Performance Performance maximum Simple task → ← Difficult task http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkMth4paNko Robert M. Yerkes and John Dillingham Dodson Performance Weak Strong Arousal optimum Arousal (stimulation) Low High
Motivation and Emotions Threat Fear Loos Sadness Obstacle Anger Profit Joy Uncertainty Anxiety
Feedback Control & Autoregulation Bio-feedback Behavioral feedback