EMOS – European Master in Official Statistics Working Group European Statistical System – Learning and Development Framework & Human Resources Management Luxembourg, 8 May 2015 Markus Zwick
New Developments Use of big data, open data, cloud data and data from administrative sources Standardisation of processes, products and methods, with increased use of new technologies such as cloud computing Use of warehouse data and less tailor-made products Statistical audit and labelling of official statistics
Change of the statistician profile: the iStatistician Competences Analytical and computing skills Delivering quality and ethical analyses Process management skills Communication skills Developing analytical expertise To summarise, the new role of the statistical officer will more concentrate on: • Development of statistical indicators • Design and co-ordination of data collection with Member States • Standardisation of processes, products and methods, with increased use of new technologies such as cloud computing • User oriented development of statistical products • Use of big data, open data, cloud data and data from administrative sources ("the iStatistician") • Use of warehouse data and less tailor-made products ("warehouse quality guardian") • Statistical audit and labelling of official statistics ("the statistical auditor") Some of the new competencies (soft skills) needed would be marketing, narrative skills, sociability, service orientation, anticipation of user's need, ability to adapt to a changing world and corporate thinking. More on: DM doc on statistical officers & assistants https://myintracomm-collab.ec.europa.eu/dg/ESTAT/DO.U.C.EUR/_layouts/DocIdRedir.aspx?ID=UAM7TH3CYF7M-9-45917 The iStatistician will be a team with specialized member skills
Eurostat activities Classical activities Eurostat Learning and Development Programme ESTP – European Statistical Training Programme New approaches YPSILON – Young Professional Statisticians Induction and Learning Offer for Newcomers EMOS – European Master in Official Statistics International cooperation in statistical training Eurostat Learning and Development Programme Eurostat’s Learning and Development Framework Strategy for 2013-2017 (LDFS) summarises the main priorities of the Commission's own Learning and Development Framework (LDF) and details learning and development (L&D) objectives and priorities of Eurostat for the years ahead. 235 courses and 2271 participants in 2014 ESTP The European Statistical Training Programme (ESTP) is an essential part of the ESS- Learning and Development Framework. The ESTP aims at raising the overall quality of European statistics; raising the qualification of statisticians in the ESS in order to promote their independence in line with the Code of Practice; encouraging both theoretical and practical learning and development and encouraging the exchange of best practices, know how and experience. 43 training courses in 2014, 34 training courses in 2015
EMOS "The main goal of this project is to establish a quality label for university 'European Official Statistics' programmes that meet agreed standards in education. University programmes that are benchmarked to these standards become members of the 'European Official Statistics' network." Ex-Ante Evaluation Document for the project, May 2011.
Feasibility study 'Towards a European Master in Official Statistics' Quantitative online survey n = 700, 39 countries, 151 valid observations Qualitative survey 14 countries: Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherland, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Romania and UK 55 interviews (41 Univ. + 14 NSIs) were conducted in 14 countries by the pool of experts
EMOS module (compulsory) Around 10 % of the whole Master programme Content: European Statistical System (ESS), Code of Practice, Quality, Production Model, Data Management, Metadata, Sampling Theory, Statistical Disclosure Control, Data Law, Administrative Data, Big Data in Official Statistics, Classification, Evaluation and Monitoring, Statistical Data Editing.
Semi-elective courses Around 30 % of the whole Master programme Content: Survey Methodology, Government and Public Finances, Demography, Price Statistics, Econometrics, Econometrics of Time Series and Panel Data, Multivariate Statistics, Small Area Estimation and Spatial Statistics, Statistical Computing, Record Linkage and Statistical Matching
Elective courses Around 25 % of the whole Master programme Whatever the Master programmes offer
Master thesis and internships The internship should have a weight of around 10% of the credits of a Master programme. Given that 2 ECTS credits require 50 to 60 hours of work, an internship will last six to eight weeks. The Master thesis should have a weight of approx. 25 % of the credits and a strong link to topics of Official Statistics.
EMOS governance ESSC 'owner' of EMOS EMOS Secretariat EMOS Board Universities EMOS Board Application for the EMOS label EMOS Secretariat Recommendation to award the label Awarding of the EMOS label Way to get the EMOS label Report Support and communication
EMOS Board: mandate Assess the applications for the EMOS label and make proposals for award to the ESSC Presents an annual report and working plan to the ESSC and the universities Monitors the quality of the Master programmes Further development of EMOS
EMOS Board: member NSIs: Finland, Italy, Romania, Netherlands, Poland and Eurostat Private members: Mojca Bavdaž (University of Ljubljana), Gindrutė Kasnauskienė (Vilnius University), Csilla Obádovics (University of West Hungary), Ralf Münnich (University of Trier), Pedro M. P. Simões Coelho (University of Lisbon), Alain Trognon (University of Paris) ESAC: Maurizio Vichi (University of Rome) Central Banks Jens Mehrhof (German Central Bank)
1st EMOS Call for Interest Adoption of the EMOS concept by the ESSC in May 2014 EMOS Call for Interest with deadline 15 September 22 universities from 13 European countries participated Evaluation of the request by the EMOS GExp 16 programmes from 15 universities passed successful the pre-selection
Criteria for EMOS membership Eligibility criteria The programme is an accredited Master programme in an EU Member State, EU candidate country or EFTA country. The Master programme is in line with the Bologna process and the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) or equivalent.
Criteria for EMOS membership Selection criteria The Master programme is organised in line with the EMOS curriculum The university has set up a collaboration scheme with the respective National Statistical Office or other statistical authorities with regard to internships and other support. The university holds adequate teaching capacity and qualifications for the Master programme. Adequate infrastructure is assigned to the programme, e.g. premises, IT equipment.
Criteria for EMOS membership Additional assets Though not taken into account in the selection decision, the following are considered assets: effective quality assurance system; cooperation with higher education institutions at an international level or participation in national networks.
The 1st EMOS Call for Application EMOS workshop on 11 and 12 December with the successful pre-selected universities, the GExp and the EMOS Board EMOS Call for Application with deadline 27 February 15 programmes from 14 universities participated Evaluation of the request by the EMOS Board Recommendation of 12 programmes to the ESSC for labelling with the EMOS label
Procedures of the evaluation by the EMOS Board EMOS Board meeting on 19 and 20 March 2016 Three evaluation rounds In the first round each 5 EMOS Board members evaluated 5 applications In the second round the whole EMOS Board assessed unclear requests In the third round all requests were discussed in the plenary and decided by the full EMOS Board Member with an own request or potential conflict of interest was out of the room during the discussions of the respective application
Roadmap ESSC meeting on 20 and 21 May 2015 Integration of the experience from the first EMOS Call for the second Call 4th EMOS Workshop on 15 and 16 October 2015 ESSC meeting on 11 and 12 May 2016 EMOS Evaluation in 2017
Thank you for your attention! http://www.cros-portal.eu/content/emos Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EstatEmos ESTAT-EMOS@ec.europa.eu