Development as a Changing Force: EQ: How do we change as we develop?
Decades of Life For each of the following “decades of life,” list three terms, phrases or impressions you have of that decade. Place the letter H next to the decade that you think is, will be or has been the hardest. Place the letter E next to the decade that you think is, will be or has been the easiest. 0-9 30-39 60-69 90-99 10-19 40-49 70-79 100-109 20-29 50-59 80-89 100-119
Physical Development Brain development Growth rate continues to decline Fine motor skills (slower) Examples Gross motor skills (rapid)
Social Development Gender Identity Baby X Studies Egocentrism- Rouge test 3 mins Gender Identity Baby X Studies Gender Role Gender Typing Gender Scheme Theory Egocentrism- Do you have a brother? Does your brother have a brother? Theory of Mind
Cognitive Development Learning Associations (Piaget) Rewards (Skinner) Modeling (Bandura) Language Represent world with symbols “Learn to read” Thinking Skills Information Processing
Maturation vs. Learning
Maturation vs. Training Complete the assignment to distinguish maturation and learning (training). Work with your “family unit” as you did the design-a-kid activity. Think about the development of your “child” We will discuss this shortly.
Adolescence Who am I?
Who Am I? List 10 descriptive phrases that explain who you think you are. What is the biggest developmental task in adolescence?
Theories of Adolescence G. Stanley Hall Storm and Stress Topics of Discussion (next slide) Margaret Mead Self-fulfilling Prophesy
Family Conflicts Percentage of Male and Female Adolescents Rating Issues as Leading to Family Conflict Eating dinner with family 19.4 Arguing 15.8 Church attendance 15.6 Going around with certain boy or girl 15.3 Being home enough 15.3 Getting to use the car 13.3 Understanding each other 11.4 Responsibility at home 11.2
Margaret Mead American cultural anthropologist who featured frequently as an author and speaker in the mass media during the 1960s and 1970s. Self –fulfilling prophecy-a prediction that causes itself to come true due to the fact that the prediction was made. This happens because our beliefs influence our actions
Physical Development Puberty Puberty is the process of physical changes through which a child's body matures into an adult body capable of sexual reproduction.
Adolescent Brain
Social Development Bonds with peers Dating Personal Fable Major task of Identity Formation Who am I? Erik Erikson
Cognitive Development Capability of logical, hypothetical and abstract thinking Development of introspection Growing awareness of one’s own mental process Metacognition