Descripción Formas y colores Español Descripción Formas y colores
Hoy vamos a … aprender el vocabulario para formas y colores describir unas obras del arte de un pintor famoso (Miró) con formas y colores ©rh09
jueves,el veintiséis de abril. We are learning about shapes. Learning task. Read and try to memorise as many of the spellings / meanings of these words as you can. You will have 11 minutes learning time. What can you do in that time to try to learn as many as you can?
Shapes quiz Standard Translate these words: Square Triangle Circle Oval Rectangle Challenge List as many of the shape words as you can in English and in Spanish.
un círculo un punto un triángulo una línea un cuadrado una estrella un rectángulo una espiral un óvalo un ojo Say the words for the shapes and ask students to draw the shape they think it represents. They know the first 3 shapes already, some are cognates. Then reveal the answers again and get them to practise saying the shapes in pairs.
un círculo un punto un triángulo una línea un cuadrado una estrella un rectángulo una espiral un óvalo un ojo Introduce the colours with the shapes so that students realise the difference in position. They know the first 3 colours from earlier in the lesson, introduce the other colours after that.
¡Vamos a combinar los colores! + = + = + = + =
Revision quiz on adjectives Standard question: Where do adjectives go in relation to a noun? A – in front of the noun B – after the noun Write your answer in a full sentence in English. Challenge question: Give an example of a noun and a colour adjective that show agreement and positioning of the adjective. This example must be in Spanish.
y Use this slide to get the whole class to call out the colours (in the order of the song and repeated exactly as in the song but without the music and without telling them it’s the song – see if one or two can guess where you’re heading with this activity!)
y y Chorus of yellow submarine with the pictures in the right order! y y
en el centro de arriba encima de a la izquierda a la derecha El vocabulario en el centro de arriba encima de a la izquierda a la derecha al lado de debajo de sobre Introduce and practise these positioning words – they have most of these (and more) on p.24 of their vocabulary books. abajo
{ Es It is No es It isn’t Hay There is No hay There isn’t Tiene It has No tiene It hasn’t got una línea unas líneas blanco/a/os/as negro/a/os/as amarillo/a/os/as rojo/a/os/as verde/s azul/es gris/es marrón/es naranja de color rosa violeta una espiral unas espirales una estrella unas estrellas un círculo unos círculos un cuadrado unos cuadrados un triángulo unos triángulos un punto unos puntos un óvalo unos óvalos un ojo unos ojos un rectángulo unos rectángulos Students will need a copy of this sheet to comment on the paintings but practise using this frame first by sentence-building a few sentences with them. 1969 – Sun Worshipper - Miró {
{ Es It is No es It isn’t Hay There is No hay There isn’t Tiene It has No tiene It hasn’t got una línea unas líneas blanco/a/os/as negro/a/os/as amarillo/a/os/as rojo/a/os/as verde/s azul/es gris/es marrón/es naranja de color rosa violeta una espiral unas espirales una estrella unas estrellas un círculo unos círculos un cuadrado unos cuadrados un triángulo unos triángulos un punto unos puntos un óvalo unos óvalos un ojo unos ojos un rectángulo unos rectángulos Students will need a copy of this sheet to comment on the paintings but practise using this frame first by sentence-building a few sentences with them. The lark’s wing Miró {
viernes,el cuatro de mayo We are describing works of art!
The following slides are all the different pictures that students can describe. If the shape is not recognisably anything they know, they should substitute the word ‘forma’ (shape) and describe its colour, position, size. You could choose to have them all do the same one as whole class at first or you could have laminated colour versions of all of the paintings and get them to do a painting in small groups or pairs. I think that this work should be spread over two lessons so that perhaps you get to the first whole class example by the end of lesson one, then recap the vocabulary at the start of lesson two and then proceed to describe the paintings. I think students in their pairs or small groups should practise describing their paintings so that they could do them orally from memory to the class. I think we might want to remove the real titles of the paintings at first?
Woman in front of the sun
Barbarian in the snow 1975
The captive 1969
1957 Moon Wall
And the bird flew off to the pyramids 1954
The mauve of the moon covers the green of the frog 1958
Homework Produce your own piece of art in the style of Miró Homework Produce your own piece of art in the style of Miró. Using these support sheets, write a description of your artwork in Spanish by the side. Use an A4 piece of white paper. At the end of the week you will present your piece of art to your group and you will assess each other’s work.