Sundia Watermelon Retail Month XX, 2006
Sundia Watermelon New Company…Watermelon, Watermelon…Watta Melon!!! Create a brand consumers can trust Sundia Inside: guaranteed quality (money back) Sundia Minis Promote the brand through clever campaigns Free Juice Coupons for consumer products Enhance consumer experience by partnership Sundia Watermelon Juice The ONLY watermelon juice available!
Sundia Inside Financially backed by Sundia Consumer focus Certified Quality 3-point certification If customer is not satisfied, money back Can offer store coupons/gift cards Sundia Minis Competitively priced Better Product
Stickered Watermelons will DRIVE Promotion Watermelons to be stickered with Free Sundia Watermelon Juice Stickers Consumers Buy the Melon and the Juice Download a rebate form on the web Send in their receipt and completed rebate form Promotions
Cross promote on watermelons: ABCs Desperate Housewives (sweepstakes) Trident Gum (coupon) Skyy Vodka (recipes and cross promote) Encourages Additional Purchase Sundia Pays for ALL Costs (stickers, redemption, administration, gift cards, etc.) and manages the coordination Large $$ ring for the produce department Retailer Takes Home the Margin $$ What a Promotion!