Regional and EU level data streams for D5 and D8 Trine Christiansen European Environment Agency (EEA) Brussels, 12 May, 2014
MSFD reporting structure
Eutrophication D5 Objective: Human-induced eutrophication is minimised, especially adverse effects thereof, such as losses in biodiversity, ecosystem degradation, harmful algal blooms and oxygen deficiency in bottom waters.
Hazardous substances D8 Objective: Concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects. Criteria Indicators 8.1. Concentration of contaminants 8.1.1 Concentration of the contaminants mentioned above, measured in the relevant matrix (such as biota, sediment and water) in a way that ensures comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC 8.2 Effects of contaminants 8.2.1 Levels of pollution effects on the ecosystem components concerned, having regard to the selected biological processes and taxonomic groups where a cause/effect relationship has been established and needs to be monitored 8.2.2 Occurrence, origin (where possible), extent of significant acute pollution events (e.g. slicks from oil and oil products) and their impact on biota physically affected by this pollution
Reporting streams defined as part of a chain: Monitoring, Data, Indicators, Assessment, Knowledge (M) Monitoring Integrate Reflect Structure (D) Data (I) Indicators (A) Assessments Interpret MSFD art 20 assessment (K) Knowledge (K) Knowledge 5
MSFD D5 OSPAR (CEMP) HELCOM (COMBINE) UNEP/MAP BSC WISE-SoE (WFD) Multiple reporting streams in place to support Descriptor 5 MSFD D5 OSPAR (CEMP) HELCOM (COMBINE) UNEP/MAP BSC WISE-SoE (WFD)
Workshop conclusions: Eutrophication Data streams are in place within RSC that are able to support some of the D5 indicators; EU countries reporting:
Workshop conclusions: Hazardous substances The criteria used for evaluating hazardous substances under WFD/MSFD have not yet been picked up by the Regional Sea Conventions. In MS, the long list of substances combined with the possibility of using three different matrixes means that wide range of approaches are used to evaluate hazardous substances; More work is needed to have clarity of hazardous substance indicators and assessments;
4 december 2018 Overview of hazardous substances data flows relevant to MSFD indicator 8.1.1 (water) MSFD 8.1.1 :Concentration of the contaminants mentioned above, measured in the relevant matrix (such as biota, sediment and water) in a way that ensures comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC Hazardous substances in water X denotes reporting
4 december 2018 Overview of hazardous substances data flows relevant to MSFD indicator 8.1.1 (sediment) MSFD 8.1.1 :Concentration of the contaminants mentioned above, measured in the relevant matrix (such as biota, sediment and water) in a way that ensures comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC Hazardous substances in sediment X denotes reporting
4 december 2018 Overview of hazardous substances data flows relevant to MSFD indicator 8.1.1 (biota) MSFD 8.1.1 :Concentration of the contaminants mentioned above, measured in the relevant matrix (such as biota, sediment and water) in a way that ensures comparability with the assessments under Directive 2000/60/EC Hazardous substances in biota X denotes reporting
Workshop conclusions: Other discussions Helcom and OSPAR allow access to the data reported to ICES, i.e. EU level has access to data reported regionally; UNEP/MAP and BSC do not allow access to their data, but many countries report to EU level through the Eionet; EEA provides access to data reported through Eionet; There was a general feeling that data exchange agreed within HELCOM and OSPAR and managed by ICES was a well functioning system. UNEP/MAP is working to expand its data flows; Improvements in work flow are being discussed in the context of the HELCOM EUTRO-OPER project and the model of their work was found useful; Although only one country (DE) is working with establishing meta data catalogues and actively pursuing a pull mechanism for exchanging data, there was interest in exploring this further.
Reflections on whether the model worked: Workshop conclusions: Other discussions Italy presented the operational set up of the EMODNET chemistry portal. They are intending to use it for their reporting. JRC presented a first outline of a marine INSPIRE pilot, for which they will be circulating a call for expression of interest by the end of May. More discussions needed on specific content of data needed for indicators and assessments as they are performed in the RSC and how they would link to MSFD descriptors; Reflections on whether the model worked: Very helpful dialogue in workshop Next workshop will be on biodiversity (September 10-11, 2014)