Measuring & Drawing a Barbed Fitting
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Measure the Threaded End Measure Outer diameter (OD) Measure Internal Diameter (ID) Measure Depth of Hole Measure Length of Threaded Portion Since the threads vary in diameter, measure the outermost OD using the wide edges of the caliper.
Draw the Threaded End 3 1 2 4 Click the button in the lower right corner of screen and choose IPS (inch, pound, second) use IPS unit system use circle tool and Smart Dimension to set the circle diameter, and then click Exit Sketch choose Extruded Boss/Base The diameter of 0.394 inches above is different than the measurement of 0.389 inches shown on the photo on the previous slide. While some variation in measurements is expected, the diameter of the tapered threads is smaller at the end and larger as you move away from the end. These threads naturally get tighter as you screw the threads deeper into the hole (to seal off any leaks). pick drawing plane The right plane is used in this example. 5 set the length of the extrusion 6 wait to cut the hole since it may be deeper than the length of the cylinder
Measure the Hex Measure the Length of the Hex Measure the Width of the Hex
Draw the Hexagon 1 2 4 3 5 pick drawing plane Use the end of the cylinder. 2 1 choose Extruded Boss/Base 4 3 use the polygon tool to draw an inscribed circle (circle is inside the hexagon) use Smart Dimension to set the size of the circle 5 Exit the Sketch and set the length of the extrusion to complete the hex
Measure the Barbed End Measure OD #1 Measure OD #2 Measure OD #3 Measure ID Measure Length of Barbed End Use wide edges of caliper. Measure Length of Flared Portion of Barb A little estimation is required since you are measuring the hypotenuse of this edge … play around and use your best estimate for this length.
Draw the Barbed End 1 3 choose Revolved Boss/Base make sure your view is Normal To the drawing plane NOTE: If the Front Plane doesn’t show on your screen, then you will need to click on the arrow beside Part1 to “expand the tree” so that Front Plane shows up. 2 choose the Front Plane as the drawing plane
Draw the Barbed End (continued) Don’t forget to draw this vertical edge so that you have a closed boundary to define the profile that will be revolved. L1 d1 2 d2 2 L2 while in sketch, draw the boundary of one side of the barbed end … use the dimensions you found from your measurements You will need to compute how far the barb stands off from the smaller cylinder using your diameter measurements 𝑑 3 − 𝑑 1 2 .
click Exit Sketch and pick this line as the Axis of Revolution Draw the Barbed End (continued) click Exit Sketch and pick this line as the Axis of Revolution
draw a circle on the end of the fitting Cut the Hole on the Threaded End 3 2 1 choose Extruded Cut pick drawing plane draw a circle on the end of the fitting Use the end of the cylinder. 4 extrude the cut to the measured depth of the hole
Cut the Hole Through the Rest of Part 3 2 1 pick drawing plane choose Extruded Cut draw a circle on the end of the fitting using the measurement that you made earlier Use the end of the cylinder. 4 Exit Sketch and select Through All
Finished Part! You could use the fillet tool to put a small radius on the sharp edges … 0.005 inches was used below. This makes the part look more realistic. You can click on the part on the “tree” and edit the appearance to customize the appearance of your fitting.