JCOP FW Update ALICE DCS Workshop 6 th and 7 th October, 2005 Fernando Varela Rodriguez, IT-CO Outline Organization Current status Future work
6-7 October, 2005ALICE DCS Workshop2 Organization New member in IT-CO to work on experiment support ALICE ACC JCOP Wayne Salter IT-CO Renaud Barillère External Services ALICE Detector Users PVSS FW FE ATLAS CMS LHCb
6-7 October, 2005ALICE DCS Workshop3 Current Status: PVSS PVSS official release SP1 -Download from Presently PVSS 3.1 is under evaluation at IT-CO -NOT recommended yet -Windows version released (Linux version in 2 weeks) -Most changes apply to the PVSS internals -Some other features: RDB archiving, S7 driver Also evaluating PVSS v3.5 prototype -Fully compatible with previous versions -Can be tried out in our lab -Includes Qt libraries -Some features: Same UI under Windows and Linux New widgets, e.g. TreeView and Trending Support of custom widgets Improved GEDI
6-7 October, 2005ALICE DCS Workshop4 Current status: Framework (1/3) Current version is 2.3.3: List of improvements and fixes on the download page Main changes w.r.t. the previous version: -CAEN EASY standard LV, HV boards and special LV/HV CMS boards (A4601) Presently we are working on the ALICE Box -Access Control User management tool Still to be integrated with other FW components
6-7 October, 2005ALICE DCS Workshop5 Current Status: Framework (2/3) FSM (v24.1.0) -Logical Units added (kind of light Control Unit) -Improved performance and scalability ELMB (v3.0.10): -standard sensors used by Rack Control Application added CAN PSU (v1.0.3) -Monitoring and control of the power supplies used to feed CANbuses ISEG (v2.0.3) -Covers 16-channel modules -All functionality currently provided by the OPC server is implemented -Valid for OPC server version > 4.0 Trending (v2.3.7) -Basics histograms added
6-7 October, 2005ALICE DCS Workshop6 Current Status: Framework (3/3) Rack Control Application (v1.9) -Monitoring and control of Canalis and Hazemayer power distribution -Racks displayed in experiment zones and geometrical position -Successfully used in ATLAS and CMS Configuration DB tool (due by end of this week) -First version after redesign incompatible with previous versions -Works with PVSS internal cache and ORACLE -Support of static data and device recipes -NOT yet supported: recipes per device type and device configs -Currently only supports the HW view of the FW Cooling and Ventilation -First version now available -Configuration done from the PLC SCY file -To be tried out by HMPID, SPD -Please, contact the ACC if interested
6-7 October, 2005ALICE DCS Workshop7 Future Work (1/2) Wiener Marathon -Waiting for HW and doc CAEN -Integration of the ALICE-Box and other modules in the CAEN EASY FW component (End 2005) Configuration DB tool: -Add re-creation of DPE configs from the DB -Add recipes per device type -Handing of other FW hierarchies ELMB and CAN PSU -Diagnostics and automatic error recovery (end 2005)
6-7 October, 2005ALICE DCS Workshop8 Future Work (2/2) Rack Control Application -Some to sensors to be added, e.g. air flow (waiting for HW) -Proper integration with FSM Access control -Include access control in other FW components (start Nov 2005) -Synchronize users and access rights in different systems (tbd in FW WG) FSM for standard FW Components Alarm handling -Sub-detector filtering and alarm screen layout -First prototype already implemented and performance measured Applications to interface external systems
6-7 October, 2005ALICE DCS Workshop9 Conclusions Many new versions of the components Some new components, e.g. Cooling and ventilation, and Configuration DB Tool Your feedback is greatly appreciated: