Basic Parts of a Research Paper Abstract Introduction to Technology (background) Tools & techniques/Methods used in current technology Limitations/flaws/problems in current technology Selection of one or more than one problem to solve the current limitation Proposed solution Results of proposed solution Proposed Solution vs. Existing solution Comparison of Results of proposed & existing solution Results /discussions ,Outputs and recommendations Conclusion Future Work References
Main Points to be Considered What are the main questions to be answered by this work? What are the papers which the author summarizes in that section? How does the author comment on those previous researches? Distinguish previous research and the reported study Why is this work carried out? Which gap will it fill? What is the motive of doing that research? Why this work is important? How will it approach the solutions? Exp. – Num.- Ana.- Theory. What are the Promises of this work? How it is verified?
Observations Get a clear picture of what was done at each step Outline and sketch the instruments / procedures Make notes of your questions Some: technical Other: more fundamental Write down your reflection and criticism. Look carefully at the figures, tables and Equations (heart of most papers) What Researchers Did? Understand each figure Redraw it Explain it in plain words Discuss with others
Discussion Very important as it includes conclusions drawn from the data Reflection from author on the work Its meaning in relation to other’s finding Its meaning in relation to the field
Reflection & Criticisms Summarize the paper Draw your own conclusion Keep track of your previous questions See whether they have been answered Raise more questions to be answered
Questions to be raised What is the overall purpose of the research? INTRODUCTION What is the overall purpose of the research? How does the research fits into its field? Show the validity of a new technique Show agreements (How much you are agreed with the approach) for studying the problems in the presented way.
Methodology Were the measurements appropriate for the questions the researcher was approaching? If the answer is NO; ask why not... Does s/he use indicators (substitute words or symbols) Were the measures related to the variables? Do the variables studied represent the problems?
Results What are major findings? Was sufficient data presented to reach the objective? Are there some patterns and trends which are not mentioned? Were there any problems that should be addressed?
Discussion Do you agree with the conclusions? Were conclusions over generalized? Were conclusions over conservative? Were conclusions carefully stated? Are there other factors that could affect the results and the conclusions? What further experiments you suggest to continue? What further experiments you suggest to continue to answer remaining questions?
Any Questions ?