The use of ICT in teaching GREECE
The Digital School project The most well-known reform taking place in Greece to introduce ICT in schools is the Digital School project. The project was launched in 2010 to better integrate ICT into curricula and teaching practices. The project has three main goals: 1. creation of a single digital environment, which will ensure better educational results both for general subjects as well as specifically in ICT 2. better allocation of resources, by incorporating ICT as a tool for efficient administration and management of the education system at both regional and central level 3. better accessibility, using digital resources to provide equal access to the education system
Teacher training in ICT and teaching resources In order for the implementation of the Digital School to be successful, teacher training is being given in using ICT (for approx. 60,000 teachers, project ongoing). Significant progress has been made in some fields, such as resources for primary and secondary education, e.g. Photodendro (, AESOP ( and e-Books ( ), which are already operational.
“Photodendro” Photodentro hosts a lot of scenarios that address a wide variety of subject areas.
“Photodendro” Apart from the learning object repository, Photodentro hosts a lot of user generated content and educational software created especially for: Geography, Biology, ICT, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Ancient Greek Language and Modern Greek Language,/q4=/q5=/sb=1/rd=DESC/rp=10/st=/rq=/rqc=/q6=/q7=/q8=/q11=/q9=/q10=/q13=/q14=/q15=/q12=
Implementation of ICT in teaching Teachers in Greece use general purpose software such as: Excel: Economics Word Editor: Greek/English language Presentation programmes: presentation of students’ projects Geogebra: Mathematics Alice, Appinventor, Python: computer programming Web 2.0 tools: assessing, surveying, gaming MOOC platforms (Edmodo, Moodle): content sharing Blogs (, Wordpress): content sharing
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