Sidewalk Stompers A school zone pedestrian safety advocacy group Our mission: Sidewalk Stompers promotes a healthy, pedestrian-friendly, and safe school zone system by encouraging walking and supporting the development of walking infrastructure. April 25th, 2018 School Transportation Working Group Emily Hinsdale, co-founder
How it Works: Reward-based programs for students on foot/bike Community engagement with donations for student rewards School administration and staff support PT(S)A support Community prize donations School/community promotion to educate and encourage
The Coleman Road Safety Project! A Sidewalk Stompers project
Introducing Roadwise Awards Our goal is to improve the safety of all students walking and biking to Coleman. Starting in January 2018, the Coleman Road Safety project presents Roadwise Awards to Coleman students crossing the roads around the school safely before school.
Roadwise Champions Roadwise Awards are presented by our Roadwise Champions. The Champions are Coleman student volunteers and parent volunteers. Developed by: Student Government Association PTSA Student Board Supported by: Coleman PTSA Coleman staff
Here’s how you can win an award: Cross at a crosswalk Wait for a light or walk signal, if available Use sidewalks, if available No texting while walking! No cutting through parking lots, the bus ramp, or traffic Wear a bike helmet
Yes: Use a crosswalk Pay attention to your surroundings Cross with the walk signal
No: Wait to check Instagram until you are out of the road. This is not a crosswalk. Exit a car from a parking spot or carline, not the middle of the road. This is not a crosswalk.
Locations h Roadwise Champions will be stationed at the crosswalk locations identified here: San Rafael and Manhattan Estrella and Manhattan Estrella and the field
Prizes Immediate rewards: Wait for it… Donated by Coleman PTSA Donated by Coleman community member
Current Challenges Hazardous roads and dangerous intersections Lois/Henderson/San Rafael Lois and Bay to Bay Manhattan and Bay to Bay Henderson and San Jose Manhattan and Melrose Sidewalk access West side of Manhattan Lack of crossing guards
Goals for 2018-19 Data gathering Communicating the project Randomize prize days Communicating the project Instagram, Edsby Community engagement Prize donations Parent responsiveness Education programs Orientation presentation PTSA communications
What you can do… Install crosswalks, sidewalks and other safety signage Provide crossing guards Encourage/reward student volunteerism Start early – elementary programs Share with other Hillsborough County Middle Schools