Identify and Describe Have we got what we need to manage content in a digital environment? Brian Green EDItEUR / International ISBN Agency
Agenda What do we need to identify in a digital environment? ISBN and other content identifiers Issues of interoperability Meet the ONIX family Some conclusions
What do we need to identify? Digital books, serials, music, audio-visual (for a start) Various digital manifestations of above Fragments of above Ways of collocating related manifestations Names of parties involved in creation and production
What have we got? Digital manifestations/ expressions: –ISBN – ebooks –ISSN – ejournals (one for all e-formats) –ISRC / GRiD – music –V-ISAN – audio-visual, movies Fragments: –ISBN –SICI –ISRC / GRiD –V-ISAN Web-resolution –DOI
A brief history of the ISBN ISBN system devised in late 1960s as a supply chain facilitator ISO ISBN standard (ISO 2108) first published in 1972 –N.B. UPC introduced in 1973, EAN-13 in 1977 Universally adopted as the identifier for books Bookland barcode in 1980 Revised standard published May digit ISBN – 1 January 2007
ISBN: a flexible identifier Works throughout the supply chain (trade and libraries), deals with digital manifestations and granularity Coverage includes digital monographic publications both on physical carriers (e.g. CD- ROMs) or online (e.g. ebooks) Separate identifier required for each electronic format separately traded (Whats a new format?) ISBNs can be allocated to parts of books traded separately (e.g. chapters, recipes)
Issues of granularity ISBN Standard (ISO 2108) –Different product forms (e.g. hardcover, paperback, Braille, audio- book, video, online electronic publication) shall be assigned separate ISBNs. Each different format of an electronic publication (e.g..lit,.pdf,.html,.pdb) that is published and made separately available shall be given a separate ISBN. But what constitutes a new product form? –The same format ebook –with different DRM? –The same MP3 audiobook with different compression? Principle of functional granularity –Things should to be differentially identified only when there is a need to do so
Welcome to Bookland 1980, ISBN already well adopted internationally EAN-13 barcode system, based on country prefixes, was beginning to take off How to incorporate ISBN into EAN-13 barcodes system rather then have two identifiers? Create a new country – Bookland – and give it a country prefix 978 (with 979 in reserve) UCC, EAN and ISBN agree contract, revised in 2005 providing further prefix in reserve
A Bookland DOI How to web-enable the ISBN? –To link a publications identity to its internet location –To use multiple resolution to link manifestations, etc. etc. Use Bookland technique to create DOIs, e.g. ISBN: The DOI would be: /45678
ISTC: identifying works Driver for ISTC development probably rights / royalties flow) Many ways of using ISTC –One ISTC – many ISBNs (Crusoe) –Several ISTCs (e.g. poems) one ISBN –One ISTC - several separately available chapters with ISBNs –Works in DAM systems not yet assigned ISBNs
ISTC: rights and royalties Vital in the rights field, e.g. –Old Possums Book of Practical Cats, T.S. Eliot ISTC, ISBN Used as lyrics for –Cats, Andrew Lloyd Webber ISWC, ISMNs for sheet music, ISRCs for recordings, ISAN / V-ISANs for DVDs Royalties flow back to Lloyd Webber and TS Eliots estate (identified by ISNIs - International Standard Name Identifiers)
ISTC: linking manifestations Also useful for retail and library use –Collocating all related works and manifestations that user/buyer may be interested in Much easier if upstream identifiers are contained in core metadata Even better if metadata is interoperable Work under way at Identifier Interoperability Working Group of ISO TC46 SC9 – home of ISO identifiers (use cases on SC9 web page) ISTC, ISWC, ISRC, ISAN, ISSN, ISMN, ISNI, DOI
No identifier is an island Requirement for interoperability - both horizontal and vertical –On the web, resources increasingly include items in different media –Metadata will need to be interoperable for discovery, resource management and rights/royalty purposes –Metadata should not need to be created anew at each level (works, expressions and manifestations) or at different levels of granularity –Traditional identifiers need to be web-enabled
Meet the ONIX family ONIX for Books, Serials, DOIs, Licensing Terms A family of XML formats for communicating rich metadata about published media, using common data elements, composites and code lists XML Schemas, DTDs and user documentation Developed and maintained by EDItEUR in collaboration with BISG, NISO and a growing number of partnerships with other organisations Extensible, interoperable, logically structured
ONIX for Books Grew out of simple flat metadata sets developed separately by BIC and the AAP Adopted by book trades of Australia, Canada, US, UK, Germany, Finland, France, Korea, Netherlands, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden A trade standard, but used by Library of Congress and Deutsche Bibliothek for metadata supplied by publishers RDA/ONIX discussions on common framework Review of ONIX coverage of digital products
Useful for Libraries? Designed for trade use, to provide rich information with descriptions, ToCs, jacket images, promotional information, price and availability required by Internet and other booksellers …but some libraries want to use this data to make their OPACs more user-friendly and like those of Internet booksellers Also being used to collect CIP data from publishers
ONIX for Serials An EDItEUR – NISO collaboration through a Joint Working Party (JWP) Being piloted as a series of messages to support exchanges of metadata between publishers, doc del, A&I services and libraries A growing set of XML building blocks that can be combined in different ways to form messages for particular application needs
ONIX for Serials Serials Online Holdings (SOH) –a format for communicating details of the electronic holdings to which the library has access, and to populate resolution servers Serials Products and Subscriptions (SPS) –communication of journal product catalogue information through the supply chain: publisher – subscription agent – library Serials Release Notification (SRN) –issue and article level format to be used for communicating details of printed or electronic content as it is released Coverage –XML structure for detailed holdings statements, print or electronic
ONIX for Licensing Terms A branch of the ONIX family designed to communicate usage rights and related information, using the same underlying structures –ONIX-PL (Nathan to elaborate) –Input to ACAP project to ensure interoperability between ACAP and ONIX for Licensing Terms –Work with IFRRO (International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations) on ONIX for communication of rights information (e.g. repertoire) between member organisations
Some conclusions Identifiers now in place or under development seem adequate for our needs (discuss!) Trade and libraries need to work together on shared standards more than they have done in the past Trading digital content and expressing usage rights is complex Make things as simple as possible but not simpler (Albert Einstein)
Links ISO identifiers – EDItEUR website for ONIX formats – Brian Green