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Presentation transcript:

Reproduction & Development Review

B A 1. What does this diagram represent? 2. Identify structures A and B. 3. During what phase of mitosis do chromosomes replicate? chromosome B A - Chromatids B - Centromere A Interphase

A B C D E F 4. What process is represented in the diagram above? Mitosis

C A B D F E 5. Describe the 2 daughter cells in stage F. They have the same # of chromosomes as the parent cell. They are genetically identical to the parent cell.

The chromosomes are pulling apart and moving to opposite poles. 6. For each of the following pictures, identify the phase of mitosis and what is occurring. The pictures are out of order. Anaphase The chromosomes are pulling apart and moving to opposite poles.

The nuclear membrane is disappearing. Centrioles Spindle fibers Prophase The nuclear membrane is disappearing. Spindle fibers start to form.

Metaphase Chromosomes are lined up in the middle of the cell,

Interphase Chromosomes replicate. Looks like a normal cell.

Telophase Nuclear membrane has started to form around each set of chromosomes Cytokinesis has begun (the cell membrane is pinching in).

A B C F D E 7. What process is represented? Mitosis 8. What type of cells are represented above? Mitosis Plant cells because they are rectangular

9. Which type of cell division does this diagram represent 9. Which type of cell division does this diagram represent? Explain your answer. Mitosis, 2 new cells made 10. If organism A contains 8 chromosomes, how many chromosomes would the offspring contain? 8

A B C F D E 11. If the first cell is made up of 32 chromosomes, how many chromosomes are found in the daughter cells? 32 In mitosis, daughter cells have the same number of chromosomes as parent cell.

A B C F D E 12. How is this different from animal cell mitosis? In plant cell mitosis, cytokinesis occurs as a result of the cell plate forming between the 2 daughter cells. In animal cell mitosis, cytokinesis occurs as a result of the cell membrane pinching in between the 2 daughter cells.

A B C F D E 13. Identify each phase of mitosis below. Prophase Metaphase Interphase Anaphase Telophase

14. What phase is it? Telophase Anaphase

What phase is it? Anaphase Metaphase

What phase is it? prophase Interphase

What phase is it? Telophase Metaphase

15. As a result of mitotic cell division, a cell having 74 chromosomes gives rise to two cells each of which has a chromosome number of _______ chromosomes. 74

16. What is the name of the process represented in the diagram? 17. What type of cell division is involved? 18. Identify some organisms that use this process. 19. What type is reproduction is represented? 20. Describe the offspring of this process. Binary fission mitosis ameba, paramecia, bacteria asexual Offspring genetically identical to parent cell.

21. Uncontrolled cell division is known as allergies cancer AIDS infectious

22. What does structure B represent? What process does A represent? centrioles cytokinesis

telophase metaphase interphase anaphase prophase 23. Identify the phase of mitosis being described: a. Cytokinesis occur b. Chromosomes line up the middle c. Chromosomes replicate d. Chromosomes get pulled apart e. Nuclear membrane break down telophase metaphase interphase anaphase prophase

24. What is the name of the process represented in the diagram? 25. What type of cell division is involved? 26. Identify some organisms that use this process. 27. What type is reproduction is represented? 28. Describe the offspring of this process. Budding mitosis Yeast, hydra asexual Offspring genetically identical to parent cell.

Vegetative propagation Vegetative propagation 29. Identify each type of asexual reproduction below. Binary fission Budding Regeneration Vegetative propagation Vegetative propagation Sporulation

Vegetative propagation 30. Identify the type of asexual reproduction described. a. An organism grows back a lost body part. b. Unequal division of cytoplasm. c. Specialized cells are released and eventually develop into a new organisms that are identical to the parent. d. Asexual reproduction in plants. e. Equal division of cytoplasm. regeneration Budding sporulation Vegetative propagation Binary fission

31. The type of asexual reproduction in which involves the production of single cells by mitosis that are released into the environment is called regeneration binary fission sporulation vegetative propagation

32. The type of asexual reproduction in which one cell divides into to two cells that are of equal size is called regeneration binary fission sporulation vegetative propagation

33. Asexual reproduction in plants is known as regeneration vegetative propagation binary fission sporulation

34. What are the differences between asexual and sexual reproduction? Asexual repro uses one parent while sexual repro uses 2 parents. Asexual repro uses mitosis while sexual repro uses meiosis. Asexual repro produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent. Sexual repro produces offspring that are similar but NOT genetically identical to the parents (genetic variation). Sexual repro involves the joining of gametes while asexual repro does not require gametes.

35. What process is represented in the diagram? 36. Where does this process occur? 37. How many chromosomes are found in these human gametes? meiosis testes 23

38. What is the difference between process A and process B? A is mitosis and B is meiosis.

MITOSIS MEIOSIS Sexual reproduction For producing sex cells 39. What are the differences between mitosis and meiosis? MITOSIS Asexual reproduction For producing body cells, growth, repair New cells – same # of chrom 1 2 cells (1 division) IPMAT MEIOSIS Sexual reproduction For producing sex cells New cells – ½ chrom 1 2  4 cells (2 divisions) I (IPMAT), II (PMAT)

B C A D E cleavage blastula oviduct SCIENCE 7A D E Development of an embryo 40. What does this process represent? 41. What process do B and C represent? 42. What does structure E represent? 43. Where in the female reproductive system does this process occur? cleavage blastula oviduct

fertilization zygote B, C, D blastula gastrula differentiation 44. What is structure A? How was it produced? 45. Which structures represent cleavage? 46. What is structure E? 47. What is structure F? 48. What process occurs after structure F is formed? fertilization zygote B, C, D blastula gastrula differentiation

49. Cells such as nerve cells and muscle cells are known as gametes sex cells somatic cells specialized cells

50. Which statement is true about sexual reproduction? It produces offspring with half the number of chromosomes as the parent. It involves sex cells joining together. It produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parents.

51. The result of meiosis are daughter cells that have half the number of chromosomes a quarter of the number of chromosomes double the number of chromosomes the same number of chromosomes

52. The number of chromosomes found in human gametes is 46 (2) 92 (3) 23

53. Sperm cell male They come from 2 parents, so chromosomes mix, this is sexual reproduction.

54. The development of different organs and tissues from the embryonic germ layers is called (1.) ovulation (2.) menstruation (3.) cleavage (4.) differentiation

55. 56.

57. What kind of fertilization is taking place above? 58. Explain why so many eggs are released during this process? 59. What kind of organisms use this process? External fertilization To increase the chance of fertilization Aquatic organisms

60. Identify the process in the diagram on the left 60. Identify the process in the diagram on the left. Incomplete Metamorphosis

61. The process in which insect species change their body shape form and become adults is known as mitosis metamorphosis meiosis cleavage

62. Metamorphosis in which larva develop inside pupa is known as incomplete metamorphosis transitional metamorphosis embryonic metamorphosis complete metamorphosis

63. An adaptation for reproduction in most terrestrial organisms is vegetative propagation internal fertilization regeneration mitosis

Female reproductive system 64. What is this a diagram of? 65. Identify all the structures labeled. Female reproductive system A - oviduct C - vagina B - ovary D - uterus

66. What is the name of the process that produces gametes? Mitosis Binary fission Asexual reproduction Meiosis

67 Sperm cell 68 They are ½ the number.

69 22

70 Sperm cell egg cell

71 72

B - ovary D - uterus A - oviduct D - uterus 73. What structure produced estrogen and progesterone? 74. Where does a zygote develop? 75. Where is the egg fertilized? 76. Where does the placenta form? B - ovary D - uterus A - oviduct D - uterus

77. Identify all the structures that are labeled. G - ovary J – urinary bladder H - oviduct K - vagina I - uterus

78. Where does fertilization occur? 79. Where does the embryo develop? 80.Where does the placenta develop? H - oviduct I - uterus I - uterus

81. Identify the names of all structures labeled. A – vas deferens F B - testes A G C - urethra C D - penis E - gland F - gland G - gland D B H – urinary bladder

82. Identify the structures labeled. A – urinary bladder B - urethra C - penis D – vas deferens E - testes F - scrotum

83. Which structure produces sperm cells? 84. Which structure carries sperm and urine out of the body? 85. Which structures transport sperm from the testes to the urethra? 86. Which structures release fluids that make up semen? 87. Which structure keeps the testes cooler than the rest of the body? Testes Urethra Vas deferens Glands Scrotum

88. In the human male, sperm leave the body through the (1.) urethra (2.) testes (3.) epididymis (4.) vas deferens

89. In the human male, gametes are produced in the (1.) prostate gland (2.) testes (3.) bladder (4.) urethra

90. Sperm is transported to the urethra by tubes called (1.) prostate gland (2.) testes (3.) bladder (4.) vas deferens

91. In human males, sperm cells are suspended in a fluid medium 91. In human males, sperm cells are suspended in a fluid medium. The main advantage gained from this adaptation is that the fluid  (1.) activates the egg nucleus so that it begins to divide  (2.) provides currents that propel the egg down the oviduct  (3.) removes polar bodies from the surface of the sperm  (4.) acts as a transport medium for sperm

92. Identify the structures labeled. 1 - cervix 2 – umbilical cord 3 - placenta 4 - oviduct 5 – amniotic fluid

93. Where did fertilization take place? 94. Where does the exchange of oxygen, nutrients and wastes occur between mother and fetus occur? 95. What protects the fetus? 4 - oviduct 3 - placenta 5 – amniotic fluid

96. Identify the structures labeled. stigma anther H petal style G filament ovary F sepal E ovule

H G F E 97. What is the name of the female reproductive organ? 98. What is the name of the male reproductive organ? Pistil Stamen

99. Which structures make up the pistil? G F E 99. Which structures make up the pistil? 100. Which structures make up the stamen? H, G, F A, C

101. Which structure produces the male gametes? 102. Which structure produces the female gametes? 103. Which structures attract pollinators? 104. In order for a flower to be pollinated, what does the pollen attach to? anther Eggs are located in the ovules Ovary Petals Pollen has to stick to the stigma.

105. What process does the diagram represent? Cross pollination

106. What does structure X represent? 107. What travels down structure X? Where will it go? Pollen tube Pollen, into ovules to fertilize eggs

109. What will the ovary eventually develop into? 108. What will the ovules eventually develop into once eggs are fertilized? 109. What will the ovary eventually develop into? seeds fruit

110 111