Imparfait du subjonctif Formation
Objectif: Swbat form and use the imperfect subjunctive to discuss their future college life.
What we know: Concordance du temps- the tense on the left needs to be the same as on the right. When referring to emotion, volition, impersonal expressions, academic expressions, and relative clauses your second verb is in the subjunctive mood. If you want to put any of the above in the imperfect, your second verb is going to be in the imperfect subjunctive
How do you form the imperfect subjunctive? This is where the passé simple comes in. Find your passé simple stem (in other words, your past participle)
Er verb endings Asse Asses At Assions Assiez Assent
Examples Que Tu trouvasses Que il regardat Que nous jouassions
Ir verb endings Isse Isses It Issions Issiez Issent
Example Que nous finissions Que tu mincisses Que vous vieillissiez
Re verbs Usse Usses Ut Ussions Ussiez Ussent
Examples Que il perdut Que nous tordussions Que ils repondussent