Zeus!!!! Made by Trey Baugh
Origin/Beginning He was made by the titans Cronus and Rhea He has 5 older siblings: Brothers: Poseidon, Hades Sisters: Hestia, Hera, Demeter Zeus was married to Hera Goddess of marriage and Monogamy
Specialty or power Zeus Is the ruler of all gods. – Lord of justice He was responsible for weather He blessed the world with fine weather unless he got mad or sad
Defining Story when Rhea gave birth to her last child, Zeus, she managed to trick Cronus with the help of the Titans uranus and gaea. She gave her husband a rock in swaddling clothes to swallow, as a substitution to her child. Then she sent Zeus away to the Greek island of Crete. Special demons named "Curetes" made noise by hitting their shields, so that Cronus would to not hear the cries of the baby.
Fun Facts Zeus siblings were Hades, Poseidon, Demeter, Hera and Hestia. Zeus parents Rhea and Cronus were human-shaped giants called Titans.
Links N stuff http://www.greek-gods.info/greek-gods/zeus/ https://www.google.com/search?q=zeus+fun+facts&oq=zeus+fun+facts&aqs=chrome..6 9i57j0l5.4361j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeus