Objective of the lesson Program your Sphero to navigate a Minotaur Maze All of you will: Design a Minotaur maze Most of you will: Program your Sphero to navigate the maze Some of you will: Improve your program to make your Sphero navigate the maze more efficiently
Minotaur Maze In Greek mythology, many heroes used their brains - not their brawn - to outwit their foes. Our hero - Sphero - is trapped by a creature from Greek mythology - the Minotaur. Together with your team, create a program to show how Sphero could outwit the Minotaur and escape its maze.
Minotaur Maze
Minotaur Maze In order to outwit the Minotaur, you and your teammates must design a program that causes Sphero to: Create a light show to distract the Minotaur. Run in zigzags to weave his way through the maze. Change directions when he hits a dead end. Start by thinking about what you want your Sphero to do. Plan it out by writing or drawing your ideas.
Minotaur Maze Think about how you'll program Sphero to do what you want. What commands will you use? What variables will you set?
Minotaur Maze Test it out! Write your program in the SPRK app and then run it. Did Sphero do what you thought he would? Why or why not? Did Sphero outwit the Minotaur by completing the three program elements? Why or why not? What could you do to improve your program and Sphero's chances of escaping?
Minotaur Maze