Parent/Teacher Communication Factory Shoals Middle School 3301 Shoals School Road Douglasville, GA 30135 770-651-5800 Mrs. Angela Carter - Principal 6th Grade Math Syllabus Ms. Biddy – Room B106 Remind – Text @msbiddy to 81010 GRADING POLICY 30% Tests and C.D.A.’s A = 90 - 100 20% Quizzes B = 80 - 89 35% Classwork C = 71 - 79 10% Homework D = 70 5% Participation F = Below 70 Textbook: Georgia Math – Grade 6 Volume 1 & 2, McGraw Hill The students are to bring their textbook to class every day. Be sure to keep up with it and take care of it. If their textbook is lost, there will be a $15 replacement fee for each book. CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS Be engaged and participate in class Be on time and prepared for class Complete all classwork and homework assignments Conduct yourself in an appropriate manner Be respectful to peers and teacher Adherence to classroom rules and procedures SUPPLY LIST Pencil Paper Binder Textbook Composition Book Agenda 6th Grade Math Units Numbers System Fluency Rate, Ratio, & Proportions* Expressions* One Step Equations & Inequalities* Area & Volume* Statistics* Numbers and their Opposites Operations with Integers* Probability* *Includes 7th grade standards Parent/Teacher Communication Student Agenda E-mail Progress Reports Remind School Website
Homework Expectations Late work will be accepted with the penalty of a lower grade. An assignment is considered “late” if it is not turned in when the teacher collects it. Students that fail to complete assignments will not be successful in this class. Additional Resource: Students can access Moby Max from home. This is a website used through the school system to give your student additional support based on their specific needs. Each student will be given their login and password. If you would like to donate any of the following items to your child’s Math class, it would greatly be appreciated: Copier paper, ziplock bags, tissue, pencils, paper towels, hand sanitizer, crayons and Clorox wipes. Homework Expectations All Homework is expected to be completed and turned in on time. The homework that is assigned will be a review over what we have covered in class. Evaluation of homework may consist of detailed grading, generalized checking, or a combination of both techniques. Absences/Make-up When absent, the student is to contact their teacher to request make-up work once they return to school. Students with excused absences will be given one day for each day absent to make up work. as C Improving Grades: Improving Grades Opportunities designed to allow students to recover from a low or failing grade will be allowed when all work required to date has been completed and the student has demonstrated a legitimate effort to meet all course requirements including attendance. Teacher will determine when and how students with extenuating circumstances may improve their grades. Please sign and return to acknowledge receipt of your child’s 6th grade Math syllabus. Parent:_________________________ ____ E-mail: ____________________________ Phone #:___________________________ Student: __________________________