Development of creativity Daiva Penkauskienė Modern Didactics Center 4-8 October 2010 Vilnius, Lithuania Study visit CREDo: Creative Education – Successful Generation
What is creativity? Capacity to see problems and find new, original ways to solve them; Capacity to promote new ideas; Capacity to find, create new things; Capacity to think independently; Capacity to express oneself in new ways and forms;
Components of creativity COGNITIVE thinking, capacity to work with information and solve problems APPROACH to personal creativity EMOTIONAL & MOTIVATIONAL INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS: capacity to participate in creativity process with others
Few thoughts about creativity It is only one way to avoid mistakes – not generate new ideas Albert Einstein The best way to fins good idea – to have many ideas Linus Pauling
If all of us can be creative? Ordinary creativity – capacity to create something new while imagination, improvisation, problem solving Special, exclusive creativity – capacity to develop new, original ideas, knowledge, art, etc., that are valuable and acknowledged by societies, have impact on them
Types of creativity IMPROVIZATION Music Art Dance Play Performance Communication
Types of creativity PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Literature Architecture Cinema, theater Any new product
Stages of creativity process Preparation Concentration Incubation Insight Checking, evaluation Further development
Creativity needs: Curiosity Flexibility Passion, inspiration Singleness (following direction) Looking ahead
Change of society Florida, R. (2002) The Rise of Creative Class
Index of innovations of EU countries, 2008
Components of creativity Talent (natural aptitude) Personal characteristics, motivation Readiness (experience, education) Impact of environment
General scheme Macroenvironment Microenvironment Personality Cognitive capacities Biological factors Society Family, community Motivation, tolerance of risk Problem solving Neurons, memory, etc.
Creativity process (According age groups) Dacey, J. (1989). Peak periods of creative growth across the lifespan. Journal of Creative Behaviour, 23(4) Boys/men (age) Girls/women (age) (37?)
Characteristics of creative societies Talents (people) Technologies Tolerance of society
Connections of education & creativity Education is main factor of society's development, background of all social reforms. Education will be able to fulfill its mission only in this case, if it will be in front of all society's development. Concept of Lithuania's education, 1992
Connections of education & creativity In order to stand in line with other Western countries, education needs to empower society's creativity State education strategy 2003–2012 In order to create favorable conditions for innovations, Europe's education and teaching has to get new push. It means, that creativity and skills have to be developed and it is more complicated task, than to improve background knowledge and easily measured academic results Lifelong learning for creativity and innovation. A Background Paper. 2008
Connections of education & creativity Creative knowledge society is one of the states horizontal priorities. State seeks to create favorable conditions for developing new ideas, knowledge and capacity to use them creatively in all life spheres …. to develop creativity in all education levels, to ensure high level academic and professional studies and scientific, used for sustainable development, economy and healthy environment…. Draft of State Strategy, 2010
Creativity in practice Art schools, providing secondary education - 8; Non-formal art education schools- around 100; Vocational schools with art training programs - around 10; Higher education schools with art studies programs - around 10.
Creativity in practice Dominates narrow approach towards creativity education (preparation for profession) Wide approach (preparation for life) depends on separate initiatives, good will and capacities of individuals and groups
Teachers about themselves Teacher, as small child, has to discover others and his own truths. Pupils have to see not a robot or computer, but person working and discovering something each moment. I acknowledge dualism: observe and wonder, look and see, feel how positive world is. I dont like to give recipes, I just show direction, ways of movement and remind for waiting pleasures and dangers in a future, one has to find his unique, personal way… Stepas Eitminavičius, Teacher of 2001