Strengthened by God in Suffering
“A TRIAL is a painful circumstance allowed by God to change our conduct and our character.” -James MacDonald
3 QUESTIONS What does God want us to know about seasons of suffering? Why does God allow suffering in our lives? How should we respond to suffering?
What does God want us to know about suffering? We should not be surprised about suffering, instead we should expect difficult times.
God promises in His Word that we will suffer. What does God want us to know about suffering? God promises in His Word that we will suffer.
What does God want us to know about suffering? James 1:2 Consider it all joy my brethren when you encounter various trials (not if)
What does God want us to know about suffering? John 16:33 In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.
What does God want us to know about suffering? 1 Thessalonians 3:3 So that no one would be disturbed by these afflictions; for you yourselves know that we have been destined for this.
1 Peter 4:12-13 Do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you … What does God want us to know about suffering? 1 Peter 4:12-13 Do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you …
Suffering proves we are children of God. What does God want us to know about suffering? Suffering proves we are children of God.
According to Hebrews 12:5-8, God disciplines His children. What does God want us to know about suffering? According to Hebrews 12:5-8, God disciplines His children.
What does God want us to know about suffering? b. As believers, we have the privilege of believing in Him and suffering for His sake.
God is not the author of suffering, but He allows it. What does God want us to know about suffering? God is not the author of suffering, but He allows it.
Who is the author of evil? Who brought suffering into the world? Satan What does God want us to know about suffering? Who is the author of evil? Who brought suffering into the world? Satan
God’s character remains the same, regardless of our circumstances. What does God want us to know about suffering? God’s character remains the same, regardless of our circumstances.
What does God want us to know about suffering? What parts of God’s character are we most tempted to doubt when life gets hard? His goodness, sovereignty, love, presence
Romans 8 says that nothing can separate us from God’s love. What does God want us to know about suffering? Romans 8 says that nothing can separate us from God’s love.
Things are not as they seem. What does God want us to know about suffering? Things are not as they seem.
What does God want us to know about suffering? 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 describes our affliction as light and momentary. In the midst of difficult times, our focus should be on things unseen.
Why does God allow suffering in our lives? What God does IN us through suffering: God allows suffering in our lives to transform us into the image of Christ.
Why does God allow suffering in our lives? What God does IN us through suffering: According to Hebrews 2:10, God disciplines us so that we might share in His holiness.
Why does God allow suffering in our lives? What God does IN us through suffering: God allows suffering in our lives to cause us to exercise our faith, which inevitably increases our faith.
Why does God allow suffering in our lives? What God does IN us through suffering: According to 1 Peter 1:6-7, the result of being distressed by various trials is the proving and testing of our faith.
Why does God allow suffering in our lives? What God does IN us through suffering: God allows suffering in our lives to bring us to the end of ourselves and make us depend completely on Him.
Why does God allow suffering in our lives? What God does IN us through suffering: Paul recognized that the purpose of this suffering was so that they would not trust in themselves but in God.
Why does God allow suffering in our lives? What God does IN us through suffering: God allows suffering in our lives to teach us obedience.
Why does God allow suffering in our lives? What God does IN us through suffering: According to Hebrews 5:8, Christ learned obedience through the things in which He suffered.
Why does God allow suffering in our lives? What God does IN us through suffering: God allows suffering in our lives to teach us endurance, patience, and perseverance.
Why does God allow suffering in our lives? What God does IN us through suffering: In Romans 5:3-5 we see the chain of results from tribulation: Perseverance, proven character, hope
Why does God allow suffering in our lives? What God does THROUGH us through suffering: God allows suffering in our lives to give us the ability to comfort others.
Why does God allow suffering in our lives? What God does THROUGH us through suffering: According to 2 Corinthians 1:3-6, if our sufferings are abundant, the comfort we receive from God will also be abundant.
Why does God allow suffering in our lives? What God does THROUGH us through suffering: God allows suffering in our lives to demonstrate the supreme advantage of a life lived through Him.
Why does God allow suffering in our lives? What God does THROUGH us through suffering: God allows suffering in our lives for the greater progress of the gospel.
Why does God allow suffering in our lives? What God does THROUGH us through suffering: In Philippians 1:12-14 Paul was in jail. He was chained to Roman guards who had no choice but to hear the gospel.
How should we respond to suffering? Allowing God to use suffering for OUR GOOD: Cling to God and trust His purposes, His character, and His ways.
How should we respond to suffering? Allowing God to use suffering for OUR GOOD: 1 Peter 4:9 tells us to entrust our souls to our faithful Creator in response to trials.
How should we respond to suffering? Allowing God to use suffering for OUR GOOD: Determine now to cooperate with God in whatever He allows into your life.
How should we respond to suffering? Allowing God to use suffering for OUR GOOD: Ask God for wisdom in the midst of suffering.
How should we respond to suffering? Allowing God to use suffering for OUR GOOD: God will give wisdom generously when we ask. But the one condition on our part is that we ask without doubting.
How should we respond to suffering? Allowing God to use suffering for OUR GOOD: Look over the mountain of difficulty to what lies beyond. Watch expectantly for what God will do.
How should we respond to suffering? Allowing God to use suffering for OUR GOOD: According to 1 Peter 5:10, there is something that lies beyond the trial. God will perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish us.
How should we respond to suffering? Allowing God to use suffering for HIS GLORY: Praise God and give Him thanks in the midst of suffering.
How should we respond to suffering? Allowing God to use suffering for HIS GLORY: Job’s response to suffering: He fell to the ground and worshiped.
How should we respond to suffering? Allowing God to use suffering for HIS GLORY: Don’t merely speak of the trial, but tell the whole story of what God did in and through you.
God is never closer than when His children are suffering. As we close, remember … God is never closer than when His children are suffering.
Isaiah 43:1-2, 4 says God will be with us when we go through the fire. As we close, remember … Isaiah 43:1-2, 4 says God will be with us when we go through the fire.
As we close, remember … Finally, whatever suffering God allows into your life is momentary. It will not go on forever.
As we close, remember … Romans 8:18 says the suffering of this present time is not worthy to be compared to the glory that will be revealed to us.
Let’s believe together that God has purpose in our suffering and watch expectantly for what He will do!