The new Eurostat publications program


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Presentation transcript:

The new Eurostat publications program 04/12/2018 The new Eurostat publications program Ulrich Wieland, Eurostat Dissemination Working Group, 24.11.2006

Agenda A. The publications strategy B. The new publications program 04/12/2018 Agenda A. The publications strategy B. The new publications program

A. The Eurostat communication strategy 04/12/2018 A. The Eurostat communication strategy Adopted in February 2006 Follows the free dissemination From dissemination to communication Established by a group of Directors Explain free dissemination Explain difference communication/dissemination

Objectives of the Eurostat communication strategy 04/12/2018 Objectives of the Eurostat communication strategy To be the first-choice source for European statistical data To increase the level of service to users To present the Eurostat figures attractively and, as far as possible, to accompany them with clear and objective comments Competition with OECD - user surveys, help desk, work for specific user groups, Problem of multilingual help desk promote analytical publications (e.g.SiFs) discuss limits of statistical offices

Some elements of the communications strategy 04/12/2018 Some elements of the communications strategy The dissemination of statistics must be an integral part of the work of the units which produce statistics The website must be the main dissemination/communication tool Publications should concentrate on analytical publications and on short publications (pocketbooks) aiming to increase Eurostat‘s visibility - not concentrate only on data collection and validation Experiences with visiting the units (not representative) Examples of different attitudes between science and technology, agriculture, national accounts. will come later to that determination to not just deliver text but also background information, interpretation, analysis,

The role of publications 04/12/2018 The role of publications Providing access to a certain statistical domain by presenting the domain in a comprehensive way; Leading the user to further information on the website; Providing statistical analysis and methodological background information; Serving as a means of publicity Supporting the archiving For occasional use, you will probably print the pdf file For frequent use a publication is better If you know what you want, the Website is better. If not, a publication is easier. Book on the bookshelf of improtant persons I have still some doubts on the exact role of publications. E.g. to what extend has age an influence on the usage of paper publications Refer to Google article

04/12/2018 Complementarity Both the Internet and the paper publications have their role to play in dissemination Web site and paper are two different media of the same dissemination process. The most suitable media should be chosen for each case, and the same information can be disseminated on different media in parallel Refer to Eurostat organisation as an example also mention the recent merge of the Internet and publications unit in OPOCE

B. The new publications program 04/12/2018 B. The new publications program B1. Simplification of the collections scheme B2. Multi-annual core publications programme B3. Integration of publications and website B4. Harmonisation of publications Established by a group of Directors Explain free dissemination Explain difference communication/dissemination

B1. Simplification of the Eurostat collection scheme 04/12/2018 B1. Simplification of the Eurostat collection scheme Easily understandable collections: Statistical books Pocketbooks Methodologies and working papers Statistics in Focus Data in Focus Explain the collections

B2. The Eurostat publications program – some principles 04/12/2018 B2. The Eurostat publications program – some principles Each sub-theme should have a major regular publication Each sub-theme should have a section on the web site Each sub-theme should have a representative set of pre-defined tables. Pocketbooks are usually a good basis to select tables CD-Roms and DVDs will disappear Detailed table publications will disappear - not concentrate only on data collection and validation Experiences with visiting the units (not representative) Examples of different attitudes between science and technology, agriculture, national accounts. will come later to that determination to not just deliver text but also background information, interpretation, analysis,

Discussions with statistical units during Summer 2006 04/12/2018 Current status Discussions with statistical units during Summer 2006 Adoption of the 2007 publications program planned for 27/11/2006 Includes a core publication program Includes recommendations per sub-theme

Number of publications 2004-2007 04/12/2018 Number of publications 2004-2007

Number of core publications 04/12/2018 Number of core publications

Advertisement the Eurostat core publications program on the website 04/12/2018 Next steps Advertisement the Eurostat core publications program on the website Implementation of the new collections DOI is not really what we need. It is more for managing and protecting intellectual property rather than helping the user to access data. It might also require a substantial administrational overhead.

B3. Integration of publications and web site 04/12/2018 B3. Integration of publications and web site Dedicated sections and predefined tables The Eurostat code XML publishing

The codes remain stable over a long time period 04/12/2018 The Eurostat code I A Eurostat-specific code to identify tables and data sets on the web site The codes remain stable over a long time period DOI is not really what we need. It is more for managing and protecting intellectual property rather than helping the user to access data. It might also require a substantial administrational overhead.

04/12/2018 The Eurostat code II All tables and graphs in a publication will receive a code (e.g. TPS00021) which refers to the corresponding data set or table on the web site Data sets and tables can be accessed either by typing the code into the Eurostat search field or (for pdf versions) by clicking on the hyperlink How does it work? Problem: Codes need to remain stable.

Pilot publication is the Eurostat yearbook 2006/07 04/12/2018 The Eurostat code III Pilot publication is the Eurostat yearbook 2006/07 In the future, all publications should use the Eurostat code

Already discussed yesterday XML publishing Already discussed yesterday

B4. Harmonisation of publications 04/12/2018 B4. Harmonisation of publications SiF guidelines are available New Publications style guide in development Internet style guide in development Examples: Use of ‚:‘ Titles in tables

Elements of the style guide 04/12/2018 Elements of the style guide New covers Standard publication structure Standard layout Complementary issues Serves also as preparation for XML publishing Examples: Use of ‚:‘ Titles in tables

Thank you for your attention