Welcome to Primary 7 Miss Hastie
Overview of P7 topics Term 1 Aug - Oct The 1960s/50th celebration Democracy & Scottish Parliament Term 2 Oct - Dec Lagganlia Comparative study with another country Christmas novel project
Term 3 Jan - Apr Burns Supper WW2 Sex Education Term 4 Apr - Jun Renewable Energy Drugs Education End of Year Show
Typical Day in P7 MATHS Combination of written textbook work and active learning opportunities ICT HAM, SHM, TeeJay READING Literacy Circles Guided Reading Higher Order Thinking
SPELLING Patterns taught in class Spelling assessed in different ways Full PE kit needed for a Monday & Thursday Daily Mile kit needed every day (outdoor running shoes, jacket) Assembly on a Friday morning Golden Time on a Friday Modern Languages once a week (French or German)
Opportunities for pupils Minion Classroom Jobs House Captain/Vice Captain Pupil Council Eco committee Digital Leaders Fairtrade International Schools Buddying with P1
Homework Term 1 and 3 ‘Traditional’ style homework. Given out on a Wednesday, due following Tuesday. Mixture of spelling, reading, Maths and project work. Tasks to be written in Homework Diary and completed in red homework jotter. Term 2 and 4 ‘Homework Wall’. Given out on a Monday, children have 4 weeks to complete all tasks. Mixture of spelling, Maths and topic work. Tasks to be completed either in red homework jotter or submitted online (details given nearer time). Literacy Circles tasks given out alongside.
Communication Please contact me anytime about any issues. Very approachable and happy to help! Email the school admin@foxcovert.edin.sch.uk (will be forwarded on to me) Call the school See me after school at the door
Behaviour Class Dojo (gain/lose points in class) Golden Time (Lose a point = 3 minutes off Golden Time) House Points/Pegs (good behavior round the school) Pupil of the Week
Library Books: Changed every Monday (charge for damages) JASS Folders: Silver award Transition: Democracy, Science, Maths, visit days
Twitter Please follow us on Twitter! School account: @FoxCovertPS - Search for posts relevant to P7 using #p7fcps Teacher’s account: @misshastieFCPS
School Blog https://foxcovertprimary.com/ https://foxcovertprimary.com/primary-7/ Updates from each class School information