Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Useful Resources Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Websites “Is a disorder that characterised by hyperactivity, inattentiveness and impulsivity.” References S.H. Lee (2002). I’m not naughty. Singapore: The Society for the promotion of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Research and Knowledge (SPARK) Lim,L., & Quah, M.M. (Eds.) (2004). Educating learners with diverse abilities. Singapore: McGraw – Hill. Yiming Cai (2003). Living with A.D.H.D. Singapore: Times Editions Strategies for teaching youth with ADHD. Retrieved on 1st Sept 2008 from
How can we HELP? 3 MAIN TRAITS Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) tend to exhibit How can we HELP? 3 MAIN TRAITS INATTENTIVENESS Easily distracted Fail to give close attention to details or make careless mistakes Difficulty sustaining attention Difficulty getting started, following through and finishing tasks Disorganised and lose things 2) IMPULSIVENESS Blurting out answers to questions before questions have been completed Difficulty in waiting for turn in tasks, games or group situations Often interrupt or intrude on others Often act before thinking 3) HYPERACTIVITY Cannot sit still or remain seated as expected; walk around in class Often run about or climb excessively Difficulty in playing quietly Always “on the go”, as if “driven by a motor” Fidgeting or squirming in their seats or playing with items To help the inattentive child to pay close attention to details, or focus to complete a task:- Minimized distraction Reduce the length of the assignment Present the assignment in parts Give a short break after each part Give rewards for work well done Use a timer Use a variety of teaching aids To reduce Hyperactivity in a child: Provide opportunities for him to channel his energy Incorporate movement into lesson Use game formats to reinforce, e.g. concept game Keep unstructured time to the minimum Ignore his behaviors Compliment To help reduce the impulsivity in a child: Teach appropriate behaviour Prompt correct behaviour & verbally reinforce Move near him when he is restless Use concrete objects to reinforce speaking or asking questions at appropriate time Peers to ignore remarks 2