District Self-Assessment (DSA)
DSA Districts are required to conduct an annual self-assessment of their special education program. Districts are required to establish a local Steering Committee to assist in the DSA. The Steering Committee will review data, review student files and determine compliance and improving student performance and results.
DSA Required Members Required steering committee members must include: Parents; General and special education teachers; Principal representatives of each programmatic level; and Vocational/technical school representative(s).
DSA Suggested Members Other members who are not required are: Local board members; Other agencies; (ie. Head Start, Division of Rehabilitation Services) County office personnel; Part C personnel; and Others at the district’s discretion.
DSA Complete the Self-Assessment Workbook Address each indicator in the workbook Two types of Indictors (SPP and WV) Indicators marked Compliance must be at 100% Maintain documentation for 5 years
DSA File Review Procedures (Sampling Rule) File Review Protocol General File Review Transition File Review Indicator #13 Discipline File Review Indicator #4
DSA The self-assessment process should be considered the district’s needs assessment for the allocation of resources and improvement planning. Improvement plans must be used as a data source for the district’s Five Year Strategic Plan including the yearly LEA Application Plan.
DSA Contact the monitor assigned to your district for questions and support. Office of Special Programs 1900 Kanawha Boulevard East Building 6, Room 304 Charleston, WV 25305 (304) 558-2696 (Phone) (304) 558-3741 800-642-8541 (In-State Toll Free)
Monitoring Assignments Effective July 2012 RESA 1-Susan Beck RESA 2-Allen Sexton RESA 3-Matt Dotson RESA 4-Susan Beck RESA 5-Anne Monterosso RESA 6-Anne Monterosso RESA 7-Allen Sexton RESA 8-Matt Dotson OOEP/WVSDB-Debbie Ashwell