Figure 3 Transcriptome studies performed in the target tissues of autoimmune rheumatic diseases and the groupings obtained Figure 3 | Transcriptome studies performed in the target tissues of autoimmune rheumatic diseases and the groupings obtained. Various studies have attempted to stratify patients with either systemic sclerosis (SSc)75, lupus nephritis80, rheumatoid arthritis (RA)78,81 or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)81 into subgroups using transcriptomic data obtained from samples from various tissue sources. These studies demonstrated clear differences between different subgroups of patients with the same disease diagnosis in the levels of expression of groups of genes associated with particular functions, suggesting different molecular mechanisms behind the same clinical diagnoses. These groups of genes, and their corresponding expression levels in patient subgroups (high, low or medium), are displayed. These patterns are very informative in terms of highlighting the complexity and heterogeneity of autoimmune diseases. Some of these patterns were not replicated in blood samples, diminishing their usefulness for diagnostic purposes. ECM, extracellular matrix. Barturen, G. et al. (2018) Moving towards a molecular taxonomy of autoimmune rheumatic diseases Nat. Rev. Rheumatol. doi:10.1038/nrrheum.2017.220