Oregon Team : Carla Wade : Jan McCoy :Dave Cook : Jennifer Arns Getting Started Right and Keeping Everyone on the Right Track: Training and Support Oregon Team : Carla Wade : Jan McCoy :Dave Cook : Jennifer Arns
State and federal mandates for annual planning Complaints regarding past systems that were initially too free form (CDIP) and later too structured (eCIP). Significant changes were needed to overcome past challenges.
Past open-ended plans were too difficult to produce and evaluate. Wanted to move away from mandates and compliance toward useful plans for improvement. Extensive use of Indistar by schools statewide. Focus, Priority, and SIG Planning Title I-A Schoolwide Programs Title I-A Targeted Assistance Programs 1257 schools with accounts 60 more than 24 months 263 12-24 months 208 less than 12 months 532 active school accounts 197 districts with accounts 23 more than 24 months 81 12-24 months 56 less than 12 months 144 active district accounts
Training Explain use of the tool. Discuss how best to plan. Variable technology skills. A few districts in 20,000 to 40,000 student range Many small districts with fewer than 100 students with limited resources. Challenges for action planning Most do strategic plans generalized outcomes unclear routes to outcomes. Training
teach.oetc.org/districtindistar Use only if you want them to go to the resources teach.oetc.org/districtindistar
Size and Population Centers 9th largest state One population center Bulk of population lives within a few miles of Interstate 5 Need both geographical and developmental proximity Early challenge to get folks to come out Later people attended multiple times and with colleagues. Submissions 197 districts in the state. All submit each year. 1/3 required reviewed each year by administrative rule.
Review Process Reviewed public data available about the district: Achievement Compact TELL Survey data (perception based responses from school staff) Report cards Trend data – multiple years Individual school report cards Kept the process simple – used Google forms for review of each indicator. Trained and calibrated the reviewers.
Each indicator was addressed by the coaches: Basically ok: Description and tasks are aligned to the objective and should result in successful attainment of the objective. Needs some improvement: Description and tasks are aligned or partially aligned to the objective but may not be specific or detailed enough to successfully attain the objective. Guidance: It may be helpful to develop a plan for linking evaluation data and educator professional development needs and regularly using data to make decisions about what interventions to utilize and to determine if current instructional strategies are working . Additional supporting resources: As a resource to the district, you may want to look to the National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems-NCCREST at http://www.nccrest.org for professional development activities for developing a culturally responsive instructional environment. Overall Comment: Cook School District's plan demonstrates significant collaboration, in-depth review of the data, and quality planning to address identified needs systemically across the district. This exemplar will be a great resource for other districts as they begin building their own CIPs. Do Over: The District CIP plan lacks depth and detail. It is difficult tell which policies and plans are in place and the level of implementation throughout the district. It is not clear how you are addressing the decrease in achievement performance for 11th grade. Your Report Card indicates a four year decline of progress at the 11th grade across all subjects. We see a decrease in reading scores from 96% to 74.1%, writing scores drop from 73.7% to 56%, and math scores drop from 78.9% to 50%. The drop from 94.4% to 44.4% in 11th grade science scores from 2010-11 to 2013-14 is particularly alarming. The evidence provided in your CIP does not indicate that these issues are addressed. Data driven planning at the District level will help the district focus the areas in which the District can make the most impact on teacher effectiveness and student achievement. Lessons Learned: Training needs to have greater focus on the planning process.
District and School Culture Teaching and Learning Educator Effectiveness Family and Community Engagement Technical and Adaptive Leadership Oregon has used the data collected from the CIPs to take a deeper dive into the indicators that they are planning for most and the ones that we have identified as specifically aligned to our strategic initiatives. At this point share: -Review Process Document -the excel files of sample Oregon data -the excel file that allows other states to pull the same data