Keeping in touch… Contact Information: email: phone: 770-578-2740 blog: school website: online gradebook: If you have a specific question or concern that we didn’t have time to address this evening, please feel free to contact me via email OR send me a note with your student.
Welcome to Open House! In 7th-grade Social Studies, we learn about… Geography History Government Economics … in 3 world regions: Southwest Asia (the Middle East) Africa Southern and Eastern Asia
Grading Homework – Late Work – Help Sessions – Given 2-3 times a week Check the blog for updates Late Work – 10% each school day it is late Check for missing assignments if you are absent Help Sessions – Friday mornings @ 8:15 or by appointment Quiz and test make-ups or re-takes Grading – 40% Tests/Summatives 25% Quizzes/Formatives 25% Daily Work 10% Homework
Behavior Citations – First offenses are meant as a strong warning to desist with a certain undesirable behavior. (Honestly, the biggest issue so far has been talking at inappropriate times.) Please talk over the consequence with your child and emphasize the importance of following even the smallest rules and instructions. Second offenses (and beyond) will warrant a phone call home, as they seem to not be “getting it”. At that time, a more serious consequence may be needed at home to reinforce the school-home congruency.
Emphases in this class… Writing We write argumentative pieces at least twice a month. Some are short, others are DBQ and IDM essays. Flipped Classroom Often students will have to take notes at home from a powerpoint or screencast on the blog. If your student cannot complete the assignment due to technological limitations, they’ll need to communicate that to me before the assignment is due. Paper copies or other arrangements can be made.
Please fill out… (HR) Conference Request Forms As we get ready for Conference Week in October, I’d like to start getting a schedule together. (Everyone) Permission to video tape forms For my graduate program, I have to videotape myself teaching and interacting with students. If you do not grant permission, your student will simply be moved to a “non-filmed” location in the room. However, it would great if this step could be avoided.
Classroom requests – Fun size candy (in wrappers) Colored copy paper Help if you can… Classroom requests – Fun size candy (in wrappers) Colored copy paper