The EU Strategy for the Atlantic Region


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Presentation transcript:

The EU Strategy for the Atlantic Region From maritime policy to a macro-regional strategy for the Atlantic AN ULTRAPERIPHERAL PERSPECTIVE Paulo Oliveira Madeira Regional Autonomous Government

BACKGROUND INFORMATION Ultraperipheral Archipelago 500 km to Africa/ 800 to Europe Two main islands 800 Km2 and ## coast line Population (2011): 247 484 Dens.: 308, 9 hab/km2 75% of population /35% of territory Major cities in coastal areas Socio economic activities important input from the sea

Environment, Nature Conservation and Climate Changes COM(2011) 782 final reflects this approach? Europe 2020 Strategy A smart, sustainable and inclusive growth Supporting pillars of our approach for the Atlantic Strategy is: Environment, Nature Conservation and Climate Changes Tourism is based on Natural and Environmental Values Tourism is the activity with higher socio economic impact

A Macaronesian based approach should be considered in many fields Clear definition of sub areas: Geography Characteristics (coastal, offshore, deep seas…) A Macaronesian based approach should be considered in many fields Macaronesia is strategically located to provide good support for the strategy Ultraperipheral Regions play a critical role for the implementation of the strategy

Two way Holistic approach Nature Conservation, environment and climate changes Maritime Transport Fisheries Surveillance and monitoring Tourism Biotechnology, research and clean energy Capacity building Two way Holistic approach Challenges and opportunities

- Pollution - Human pressure in coastal areas - Overexploitation of resources - Climate changes Strategy for the Atlantic

TOP 6 recommendations in fields where a Macaronesia based approach can make a two way strong contribution for the strategy Promote the offshore marine protected areas in EU territorial waters and create the bridges for the expansion of these to international waters Promote strong Macaronesia based capacity to survey , monitor and respond to coastal and offshore events (e.g. pollution events) Incorporate a specific approach on the concept of the sea motorways to facilitate the transportation of goods and people ( e.g. cruises) and promote eco friendly Implement specific capacity building programmes in order to create job opportunities in the coastal communities Promote the development of sustainable policies for the increment of marine touristic and leisure activities Create the regulations and adequate incentives for the implementation of a clean energy approach based on the resources provided by the sea (e.g. wave energy)

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION The strategy should focus on he established EU legislation making a local and regional approach... Macaronesia ultraperipheral location should be seen as an opportunity for the strategy… THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION