THE ROMAN AND SPANISH Inquisition BY Daniel Valverde
Two Inquisitions, Spanish and ROman There was two inquisition one in Rome and another in Spain There will be two sections of this presentation one in Rome and the other in Spain Both Inquisition lasted from 1231AD to 1826 It lasted roughly 700 years
What happened Spainish Inquisition (pt 1) The Spanish Inquisition was a court made to accuse people of different religion to be heretics and breaking spiritual law. Most people accused were tortured and forced to confessing into being a different religion or Heresy Many people of the Inquisition persecute Jews, Muslims, or Protestants Most were forced to convert or be persecuted Most of the Spanish Inquisitors targeted the converted Jews saying that they Faked there conversion and that they still practiced Judaism
What Happened Spanish Inquisition (pt 2) The church hired spies to spy on the people around and report the type of heresy they did this included Friends, Family, Neighbors, The church rewarded the spies with social status and didn’t persecute them or there families. This is only half of the story from the Spanish side there is still another part to the inquisition witch took place in Rome
What happened Roman Inqusition The Cathals where a huge religious group in France and the church thought them as a threat, and a rival the church. The Cathals practiced that all worldly things should be given away to ensure a spot in heaven The English saw the Templars as a threat in France due to the church owing so much money to the Templars because they where international bankers An easy way to get out of debt they blamed them for heretics so that the church would take care of the problem instead of them and when they did this they got all of there wealth and land Many European Inquisitors brought the Dominican Priest to judge the people of being heretics so the judgment wouldn’t be biased They made the “index of Forbidden books” witch was a law made to ban any type of protestant writings and if they read these books they would loose there souls
Why It happened Mostly the both inquisition happened because of money power and wealth that the church gained Another reason was to stop protestism that went on in europe during the time Most protestism was a threat to church power and the church only way they saw taking care of there rivals was blaming them for heresy (at the time was considered the worst crime) Blaming them for heresy was the safe option to say. To try and protect the churches image.
What was the end result The end result of both Inquisition was a bloody victory to the Catholics making them the more dominate religion at the time in Europe But violence comes with consequences as it changed the image of the church making them look more violent then holy People believed that the church abused there power during both inquisitions
Why is this important? Well the inquisition took a huge play in the counter reformation this made is what made the roman Catholics in Spain and Europe It was mostly done by church for power The inquisition was one of darkest and bloodiest times of Europe it took down all of the rivals of the Catholic Church. Included the Cathals, the Templars, the jews, and the Muslims
Bibliography "Catholic Inquisition: The Murder Of Heretics." Youtube, 27 Sept. 2016, Accessed 8 Nov. 2016. Created: 11/08/16 02:15 PM | Updated: 11/08/16 02:19 PM "Inquisition." Britannica School, Accessed 6 Nov. 2016. Created: 11/06/16 08:26 PM "The Spanish Inquisition the Brutal Truth." Youtube, 3 Mar. 2013, Accessed 8 Nov. 2016. Created: 11/08/16 02:21 PM