Conversational Writing
Conversational Writing Informed intelligent communication, written in the style you would use in conversation. Conversational writers use words, phrases, and sentence structure as if having a one-on-one conversation with a neighbor
Writing for Impact Be concise & direct Get to story focus quickly Use simple, declarative sentences Avoid needless words Avoid cliches Tell the customers why they should care Deliver WIIFM. What’s In It For Me?
Basics of Broadcast Writing As you write, ask yourself: would I say it that way? Use common, conversational language. Use simple, short sentences. Use active voice verb and present tense. Avoid dependent clauses. If you don’t understand it, don’t expect anyone else to. Always remember, it’s oral. It’s heard, not read.
“Pregnant I” SELL TELL TAG SELL TELL TAG Gets viewers’ attention Tells viewers what story is about Tells why they should care SELL TELL TELL Body of the story TAG Give the story closure. More information, extra fact, how to help. TAG