Immune system Jessica Baldwin Amber Minutillo Lydia Acha Lacy Emiba Priscilla Randall
Practice 8: Obtaining, evaluation, and communicating information Critically read scientific literature adapted for classroom use to determine the central ideas or conclusions and/or to obtain scientific and/or technical information to summarize complex evidence, concepts, processes, or information presented in a text by paraphrasing them in simpler but still accurate terms. Compare, integrate, and evaluate sources of information presented in different media or formats (additional lessons) Communicate scientific and/or technical information or ideas in multiple formats (orally, graphically, etc.)
Hook: Gross picture
Hook: Gross picture
Hook: Gross picture
“Fighting the Enemy Within” phagocytic leukocyte Immune System lymphocytes attacking cancer cell lymph system 2006-2007
Vocab: predictive matching (round robin) Specific immune response Nonspecific immune response B cells T cells Phagocyte Vector
Direction instruction with Guided Notes As students view the following slides, they will complete the Directed Note-Taking Sheet Based on Science Math Masters Spring 2014 PowerPoint (see their website for full version)
Notes-based Flow Map 2nd line: 3rd line: Summary: Summary: 1st line: Students will create a flow map to describe the sequence of events in the 3 lines of defense. 1st line: Summary: 2nd line: 1st line: Summary: 2nd line: Summary: 3rd line: Summary:
Collaborative learning: Case study analysis & group presentations Students will be assigned clear roles and assorted into mixed-leveled groups Each group will answer HOT (higher order thinking) questions as they read their case study. Each group will create a flow map to describe the sequence of events in their case study.
Summary activity 3 things you learned 2 things you already knew 1 question you still have
Additional lessons & resources HIV/AIDs activity and Internet search through the CDC Hantavirus lesson plan cool video on humoral (antibody immune response) Immune system Game Acting out the Immune Response