How to Complete your Food Log
Goal The goal of this food log is to track what foods you are eating. If you keep track of your meals it will be easier to compare the types of food that you are eating with those of your chosen country.
General Instructions Here is the website where you can find the food log: Print off 2 copies because you will keep track of your eating habits for 2 weeks.
Instructions Keep track of what you are eating everyday for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Measurements of how much food you ate are not necessary, the type of food is what is important.
Instructions Also keep track of snacks. Anything that you eat between meals is considered a snack. The exercise column is not necessary to complete, but will give you a more accurate reading of your health.
Helpful Hints! Organize your food by the specific food groups. This will help you when you complete the calculations. Bring your food log with you to school, friend’s house, etc. It is easiest to write down right away what you ate instead of trying to remember it all.
Helpful Resources Attached are two examples of the food pyramid. These will show you what food belongs in each group and how many servings you should eat per day. Food Pyramid 1 Food Pyramid 2
Calculations Add up the amount of servings of each food group you eat per day. Add the total number of servings per food group together for the whole two weeks and find the average. We will be using this in class to compare to your country.
Reflection Write a one-page typed reflection comparing your eating habits with the suggested servings of the food pyramid. Questions to think about for your reflection: Do you believe that you are making healthy food choices? Does your data support your thinking? What food groups are you eating the most of? Least of? What could you do to improve your eating habits?
Connections The food log, calculations, and reflection will be included in your final presentation. You will use these to compare your eating habits to people from the country of your choosing.