Choose from the following scenarios: Scenario #1 You are a citizen in the future studying the impacts of decisions made on the environment and on people in the year 2014. You have access to a technological device that will allow you to send a message back in time to the year 2014. If you are a citizen in the year 3014, what will you thank the governments and the citizens of 2014 for doing about the environment? What decisions made an impact on the environment for people living in the year 3014? What advice would you give the people of 2014? What will you ask them to change to make the environment in the year 3014 a better place? What messages are you sending to the governments? What messages are you sending to the people? Scenario #2 Your group has just come into a great deal of money to start up a new energy company. The company must defend the energy use as one that will support the environment and the people. What energy source will you decide upon? Why? What are the benefits of using your energy source? What are the downfalls? Why should the government support your energy source and research? What do you need to convince the government to support your energy source? What do you need to do in order to convince the public to buy your energy? How will you spend your money? Note the money given to your group must be spent on energy resources and development, and the building of your company as a viable energy company. Prepare a presentation to show how you will spend your money, what and how you will convince the government to support your company, what your energy source is, and how you will convince the public to buy your energy.
Starting Off The Year Right! Other: Assessment folder signed, jump rope for heart, drama assignment due Monday (announcements), if you have any old animal items to donate! Language: practice lines for play, spelling test Monday, costume for play due Monday French: spelling words Science: science presentation- presenting Monday Social Studies: timeline (in colour),title page due tom, speech outline typed due Monday, rough comic strip due you are define addiction in your own words and answer the following: Health: What advice would you give someone who is addicted to something? Why might someone become addicted to something? Create an anti – smoking poster! Agenda Starting Off The Year Right!