Nation States in Europe France, England, Russia Clic on pic How did NEW monarchs differ from Feudal kings?
Nationalism What is nationalism? Church weakened by schism, crusades Clic on pic What is nationalism? Church weakened by schism, crusades Plague reduces # of workers-manors doomed Workers demand more rights-how? Weapons improve-feudalism ends-soldiers paid by taxes English and French boundaries set by 13th century. (100 yrs war)
France Royal Power increases when King won Control of land held by England. Central Government strengthened by Louis IX. How? Parlement? Louis IX = strong French King-led final crusade-loyalty to him is strong Joan of Arc-patriotism, united kingdom politically, religiously:
King of France Powers grew b/c Estates General can be manipulated by king-how? (Philip IV) Middle Class was included in French Assembly-why?
England Henry II was not supported by barons, he lost $ trying to recapture land from France Royal Power in England is limited by Magna Carta in 1215-Runnymeade. Edward I = Parliament became part of government. English burghers included. Why? Tonnage Poundage
The BLACK Death
Spain Reconquista 1469 Marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella Inquisition
Russia Russia begins to gain then lose power in Eastern Europe. Czar: Ivan the Terrible: