Stages of Early Arithmetical Learning SEAL Stages of Early Arithmetical Learning E.Scott 2016 East Craigs Primary School
Current Learning in P1 Number formation Number recognition Counting forwards and counting backwards Using finger patterns Our “doubles” Domino and spatial patterns 1:1 Correspondence
Needs to use counters or (if not available the child will concrete materials (if not available the child will Use their fingers)
Counts from one (1,2,3…6,7,8,9,10,11)
Method: “Holding a number Counts on in ones from 6 (7,8,9,10,11) Method: “Holding a number in your head”
Uses doubles or “near doubles” Plus 1= 11 Or Double 6= 12 Minus 1= 11
Building up to the “jump strategy” 6+5= +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 6 7 8 9 10 11
“jump strategy” 34 + 27 +20 +6 +1 34 54 60 61
“Chimney Sums” 34 - 27 1 2 34 - 27 7
Classroom Set Up Groups on carpet with teacher Jotter/written based activities Active learning
How Can You Help At Home? Counting forwards- start at different numbers when counting on. Or count in different amounts, e.g. counting in 10s. Starting at different numbers e.g. 21, 31, 41 etc. Counting backwards- this will help with subtraction. Numbers before and after- especially the “turn in the decade”
Real Life Context
Playing Games Number games Money games Strategy games dice games dominoes, Yahtzee Money games Monopoly Game of Life Strategy games Chess Mastermind Checkers Battle Ships
Reading suggestions and trouble shooting Feedback Resources Reading suggestions and trouble shooting House keeping and common questions