Aleksandra Antonowicz Green Federation GAJA/CCB Industrial farms need proper implementation of the EU IPPC Directive to reduce the nutrient pollution load Aleksandra Antonowicz Green Federation GAJA/CCB BSPC Working Group on Eutrophication 14.08.2006 - 15.08.2006
Industrial farming versus eutrophication Main source of nitrogen and phosphorus in the Baltic (about 50%) is agricultural discharge via rivers derived from: soil cultivation use of fertilisers storing and spreading manure intensive and uncontrolled agriculture Baltic Sea GIWA Regional assesment 17, 2005
Regulations aimed at prevention of eutrophication connected with agriculture Annex III to Helsinki Convention 1992 EU Directive Concerning the Production of Water Against Pollution Caused by Nitrates from Agricultural Sources The Directive on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control
IPPC Directive The purpose of IPPC Directive is to minimise pollution from industrial sources throughout the EU. IPPC Directive provides an integrated approach to establish pollution prevention from stationary installations listed in its Annex I, which are among others: installations for the intensive rearing of pigs with more than 2 000 places for production pigs (over 30 kg), or 750 places for sows;
IPPC tool - integrated permit The permit must take into account the whole environmental performance of the plant, covering e.g. emissions to air, water and land, generation of waste, use of raw materials, energy efficiency, noise, prevention of accidents, and restoration of the site upon closure; Operators must ensure that they will use "best available techniques" (BAT) to prevent or reduce pollution;
Fertilization is a part of installation IPPC INSTALLATION stationary technical unit where one or more activities listed in Annex I are carried out, and any other directly associated activities, which have a technical connection with the activities carried out on that site and which could have an effect on emissions and pollution;
Implementation of IPPC Directive Polish example - Polish agricultural policy is significant for the condition of the Baltic Sea because of the geografical situation; - in Poland we managed to identify 103 IPPC hog rearing farms;
Full compliance with the Directive is achieved not only by transposition into the law and issuing the permits but also by fulfilling by installations obligations arised from the permits
Fertilization proccess should be treated as a part of installation activities and regulated in integrated permit. Liquid manure poured out on the fields North west of Poland 2005
Installation should be determined by the impact on the environment and not by the ownership. Polish definition of installation: „Installation- A)stationary technical unit; B)set of technical units technologically connected, placed on the area of one plant and legally possessed by one subject; C)structures being neither technical units nor their complexes;” Environmental Protection Act, art. 3, p. 6
Following BAT is obligatory for installation operator „Members States shall take the necessary measures to provide that the competent authorities ensure that installations are operated in such way that : all the appropriate preventive measures are taken against pollution, in particular through application of the best available techniques; (…)” Article 3 of the Directive Poland does not have BAT for industrial farming.
Control of the IPPC installations
The message to Parliamentarians ! To secure the limitation of the agri run-off of nutrients to the Baltic Sea Parliamentarians can take initiatives to review the PROPER implementation of the EU IPPC Directive when it comes to industrial farms
Message to Parliamentarians ! You can be a leading group for ensuring that your country properly implements IPPC Directive !the infringement procedure!
Thank you for your attention!