Delegation Results !!!
RN Survey Data Post Pre 21 RNs took post survey 23 RNs took the pre- survey 1st huddle-47.83% Mid-shift huddle- Always 4.35% Sometimes 30.43% End of shift huddle Always – 4.35% Sometimes- 17.39% 21 RNs took post survey 1st huddle- Always 85.71% Mid-shift huddle- Always 33.33% Sometimes 57.14% End of shift huddle Always- 20% Sometimes-50%
RN Surveys Post Pre Bundling Care Bundling Care Sometimes-56.52% Always-30.43% Satisfied with teamwork Sometimes 47.83% Always- 43.48% Satisfied with Job Sometimes 69.57% Always 21.74% Bundling Care Sometimes- 70% Always-30% Satisfied with teamwork Sometimes 42.86% Always 52.38% Satisfied with Job Sometimes 61.9% Always 19.05%
NT Surveys Pre Post 5 NTs took post survey 1st huddle Mid Shift Huddle 6 NTs took pre survey 1st huddle Sometimes-33.33% Always- 66.67% Mid Shift huddle Sometimes 16.67% Always 16.67% End of Shift Never 66.6% Rarely 16.67% 5 NTs took post survey 1st huddle Always 100%!!! Mid Shift Huddle Always 100% End of Shift huddle Sometimes- 20% Always-80%
NT Surveys Pre Post Bundle Care Satisfied with teamwork Sometimes 75% Always 25% Satisfied with Teamwork Rarely 16.67% Sometimes 33.33% Always 50% Satisfied with Job Sometimes 16.67% Always 66.67% Bundle Care Always 100% Satisfied with teamwork Sometimes 20% Always 80% Satisfied with Job Sometimes 40% Always 60%
HCAHPS data before Changes
HCAHPS after changes
Issues/Discussion/Comments NTs like the changes Getting admissions/discharges during Power Hour time is hard We know about post-ops 1 hour before they come…make a plan Majority of time takes 50 minutes to 1 hour…there are exceptions Some comments from survey… “Feel like waiting around wasting time” Take out trashes, linens, meal trays, grab water, take out extra IV pumps, check bathroom Move on to the next patient when nothing to do, meet up with team
Issues/Discussion/Comments “I can get my I&O, vitals, and meds done faster by myself” The goal of power hour is to decrease interruptions to the patient and improve our teamwork “New orders get delayed during 1330 power hour” If new orders come in, what a great reason to have your team help you! You fulfill the order and re-join your team