How Well Do You Know Your State?
Olive Branch represents Friendship and Peace
San Jacinto Monument Washington Monument
Rhode Island Texas Counties
Why’s it Look Like That?
TEXAS AND ITS BORDERS Texas has not always been the same shape that it is today. Current borders: wars, compromises, agreements between nations “Texas” was owned by many countries (area of Texas looked different in the past)
What else is different? Borders another country Borders a large body of water
As you move from east to west, precipitation decreases As you move from east to west, precipitation decreases. As you move from west to east, precipitation increases.
Climate- patterns of weather over a long period of time Includes: *WIND DIRECTION * TEMPERATURE * PRECIPITATION
Due to its large size, Texas has several different climates. FUN FACT! Texas ranks first in tornado occurrence with an average of 124 per year.