Not just another Italian sandwich... Baruch Spinoza Not just another Italian sandwich...
The Ultimate Throw-down Who will emerge the victor???? Vs. Stromboli... Spinoza... The Ultimate Throw-down Who will emerge the victor????
1632-1677 Follows Descartes Jewish (crypto-Jews) Critical Interpetation of Bible Theological-Political Treatise (1670) Jesus’ teachings centered on Love Supported free speech and religious tolerance 1632-1677
Spinoza’s Big Ideas: “Substance” sub specie aeternitatis Ethics
Spinoza and Substance sandwich with a side of rationalism, please. rationalist pantheist “monist” --God/Nature/Substance as one your nostril hair God’s 2 attributes: connection to Descartes’ thought and extension God as inner cause of everything Free will(ie)? Determinist Everything happens out of necessity Spinoza and Substance sandwich with a side of rationalism, please.
Sooo...who wins? Clearly, Spinoza’s ideas are slightly more complex that the multi-layered Italian burrito- type action.
sub specie aeternitatis (from the persoective of eternity) Spinoza believed that everything and everyone belonged to “Substance,” and God was not in everything, He was everything. So….what does that mean? See reality as God sees it Recognize our place in larger whole “Comprehend everything that exists in all-embracing perception.” Hilarious Spinoza monument
“...the art of living and moral conduct.” Published after his death Free ourselves from feelings and passions (_______ much?) Follow our nature moral responsibility-- “considering the travails of humanity from the perspective of the whole of reality” to help us understand our place in it See everything from the perspective of eternity Ethics “...the art of living and moral conduct.”