Anuera, LLC Presents: hCG1234!
What is hCG1234? hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a natural hormone produced in large quantities during pregnancy to ensure proper nutrients to a developing baby. hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a natural hormone produced in large quantities during pregnancy to ensure proper nutrients to a developing baby. Our product is a professional grade hCG dietary supplement weight loss product that is made in the USA and sold by physicians and weight loss clinics worldwide. Our product is a professional grade hCG dietary supplement weight loss product that is made in the USA and sold by physicians and weight loss clinics worldwide. When hCG is used in conjunction with a 500 or 1200 calorie diet, it may help your body to release stored fat for energy. As a result of burning this excess fat, you may lose 1-2 pounds of fat per day but results vary for everyone. When hCG is used in conjunction with a 500 or 1200 calorie diet, it may help your body to release stored fat for energy. As a result of burning this excess fat, you may lose 1-2 pounds of fat per day but results vary for everyone.
What is hCG1234? Oral hCG1234 is NON- pharmaceutical Oral hCG1234 is NON- pharmaceutical IT DOES NOT require a prescription or physician's consultation IT DOES NOT require a prescription or physician's consultation IT DOES NOT require the use of needles IT DOES NOT require the use of needles There are NO blood tests needed There are NO blood tests needed IT IS NOT mixed with narcotics such as phentermine IT IS NOT mixed with narcotics such as phentermine IT IS $500 - $700 LESS EXPENSIVE than the injectable programs IT IS $500 - $700 LESS EXPENSIVE than the injectable programs IT TRAVELS well and does not require refrigeration IT TRAVELS well and does not require refrigeration Our oral hCG1234 is produced in the United States Our oral hCG1234 is produced in the United States No negative side effects from the use of oral hCG1234 No negative side effects from the use of oral hCG1234 EASY to take with no mess and no stress EASY to take with no mess and no stress MORE energy compared to injections as reported by participants MORE energy compared to injections as reported by participants LESS hunger compared to injections as reported by participants LESS hunger compared to injections as reported by participants
What is hCG1234 & How does it work? Purchase includes a 2-oz bottle of hCG1234 oral drops, printed instructions, daily weight tracker & recipes. Purchase includes a 2-oz bottle of hCG1234 oral drops, printed instructions, daily weight tracker & recipes Toll-free Hotline with courteous and well-trained hCG diet support staff dedicated to helping you achieve your weight-loss goals Toll-free Hotline with courteous and well-trained hCG diet support staff dedicated to helping you achieve your weight-loss goals. Most people report a feeling of being satisfied while using hCG even though their actual food intake is only calories per day. This is because the hCG hormone is breaking loose stored fat cells and the body is consuming those calories in addition to what is eaten. Most people report a feeling of being satisfied while using hCG even though their actual food intake is only calories per day. This is because the hCG hormone is breaking loose stored fat cells and the body is consuming those calories in addition to what is eaten. Optional Appetite Suppressant (additional purchase required). As an added tool to suppressing hunger pangs, Anuera offers an all-natural appetite suppressant which may be taken along with hCG1234. "Slim & Sassy Metabolic Blend" by doTERRA is a proprietary formula of 100% pure CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils designed to help manage appetite between meals and serves as a natural diuretic. Contains a blend of grapefruit, lemon, peppermint, ginger, and cinnamon essential oils. Just add 2 drops to 16 oz. of water (regular size bottle of water) and drink between your meals throughout the day to help manage hunger, calm your stomach, and lift your mood. Optional Appetite Suppressant (additional purchase required). As an added tool to suppressing hunger pangs, Anuera offers an all-natural appetite suppressant which may be taken along with hCG1234. "Slim & Sassy Metabolic Blend" by doTERRA is a proprietary formula of 100% pure CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils designed to help manage appetite between meals and serves as a natural diuretic. Contains a blend of grapefruit, lemon, peppermint, ginger, and cinnamon essential oils. Just add 2 drops to 16 oz. of water (regular size bottle of water) and drink between your meals throughout the day to help manage hunger, calm your stomach, and lift your mood.
What is hCG1234 & How does it work? Q Wouldn't I lose 1 to 2 pounds without hCG if I was eating only 500 to 1200 calories? A If you attempted to lose weight by only eating 500 to 1200 calories it would eventually backfire because your body would think that you were starving and would begin to store additional fat. Q How can I only survive on 500 to 1200 calories a day? AhCG can release 1500 to 4000 calories with the additional 500 to 1200 calorie diet which equates to a 2700 to 4700 calorie diet. This is why most people do not feel hungry while on the hCG Diet. Q How much weight can I expect to lose? A Weight loss varies for everyone but our clients have reported between.5 pound and 3 pounds per day, with the average loss being 1-2 pounds per day, again results vary for everyone. Q Are there any side effects with using HCG? A Very few experience slight headaches and dizziness during the beginning of phase 2.
What is hCG1234 & How does it work? QWho can use the diet? AThe treatment works for almost everyone, young, old, male, female. You can use HCG if your BMI value is not lower than 20. Always check with your doctor before beginning any new weight loss program. Do NOT use HCG if you are pregnant or nursing. QCan vegetarians use hCG for weight loss? AYes, vegetarians can use hCG following the Vegetarian protocol. QHow do I keep my goal weight once I stop using hCG? ADon't think of hCG as just a diet. Use of the hCG program can help reset metabolism and fat regulation so the body no longer is triggered into storing unneeded fat. Continue to be aware of the foods you take into your body.
What is hCG1234 & How does it work? hCG1234 is manufactured by Creative Bioscience, headquartered in Utah. Anuera, LLC is an approved distributor for all Creative Bioscience hCG products and can offer them at prices lower than most other suppliers. Buying them through Anuera costs less than even buying them direct! hCG1234 is manufactured by Creative Bioscience, headquartered in Utah. Anuera, LLC is an approved distributor for all Creative Bioscience hCG products and can offer them at prices lower than most other suppliers. Buying them through Anuera costs less than even buying them direct! Anuera and Creative Bioscience are committed to being your hCG supplier. We have been in business longer than most other oral hCG companies and we intend on being in business much longer so we are very transparent about our product and service. Anuera and Creative Bioscience are committed to being your hCG supplier. We have been in business longer than most other oral hCG companies and we intend on being in business much longer so we are very transparent about our product and service. hCG products have helped hundreds of thousands of people achieve their ideal weight and keep it off, but results vary from person to person. hCG products have helped hundreds of thousands of people achieve their ideal weight and keep it off, but results vary from person to person. Our hCG diet products are made in FDA inspected and GMP approved facilities in the USA. Our hCG diet products are made in FDA inspected and GMP approved facilities in the USA. We have seen hundreds of "hCG" companies come and go over the years, but we will be here for years to come. We have seen hundreds of "hCG" companies come and go over the years, but we will be here for years to come.
What is hCG1234 & How does it work? Anuera (as in "A New Era") offers all-natural, non-toxic personal care and household cleaning products and is an independent distributor for Creative Bioscience and doTERRA Essential Oils. Please visit our website to view our full product line or to place an order. CONTACT US: Anuera, LLC Toll-Free: Idaho: (208) PO Box 1364 Nampa, ID Visit our booth spring through fall at the Farmers Market in Eagle, Idaho the 1st & 3rd Saturdays, and the Nampa Farmers Market the 2nd & 4th Saturdays. Anuera products are also sold at various retail locations throughout the Treasure Valley and in Garden Valley and McCall, Idaho. See website for more information.
Visit to buy hCG1234 and other great products. One 2 oz. bottle is just $55 Two 2 oz. bottles are just $89
Disclaimer: The products and statements provided by Anuera and/or Creative Bioscience in regards to hCG1234 have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness or to provide medical advice. This product is produced in an FDA-inspected and GMP-approved facility. The opinions on this website are based on literature and research by a variety of medical doctors, chiropractors, naturopathic physicians, biochemists, and other professional researchers. Results will vary for everyone. Side effects may include headaches or dizziness which usually disappear after the body adjusts to the protocol. Please seek the advice of a qualified health care professional before starting any exercise or weight loss program. Slideshow Copyright 2011 by