Monday, Jan 24 Welcome! Bell work: Take 7 minutes and independently work on your study guides. If you have the Ghana/Mali/Songhai Comparison Sheets, please turn them into the inbox. Check to see if you have a #2 pencil for A Block.
Daily Agenda Independently or in groups, work on your Final exam study guides Review the study guides with Mr. Melrose for questions and review Begin Jeopardy if we have time.
Tues/Wed, Jan 25/26 Welcome! Bell work: Take 5 minutes and clear your desk, have out your study guide, and a #2 pencil. Begin studying for the Final Exam
Daily Agenda Jeopardy study guide game Break Final Exam Complete and turn in Africa Portfolio
Jeopardy The class has been broken up into 4 groups based on your seating chart. The teams are: Batmen-Green Lanterns-Supermen-Spidermen Each group will get a placard that they will use to answer questions. The placards will be passed from person to person, and each member will answer by holding up the placards.
Thurs/Fri, Jan 27/28 Welcome! Bell work: Begin China KWL, Using the normal template that we used last time. Make sure your paper is turned sideways! China KWL What I already know (5 items) What I want to know (5 items) Leave blank Name Date WH: #
Daily Agenda Discuss and go over Africa Recipes project Form groups and work on Africa Recipes project When completed, begin Africa Masks Video?