First Day of Classes Carthage High School Things Students Need to Know…
Graduation Requirements 27 credits are needed to graduate. What leads to losing credits and dropping out? #1 – Poor Attendance #2 – Not turning in assignments #3 – General disrespect towards school.
A+ Program In exchange for: Good attendance Good grades Good citizenship 50 hours of tutoring Students receive: 2 paid years at select MO institutions Point of contact: Coach Maxwell
Partnership with Crowder College Carthage High School and Crowder college have made it easier for students to “jump start” their college education. Crowder College will offer a unique opportunity to motivated students to earn credit towards and Associate of Arts in General Studies while completing requirements for Carthage High School diploma. Interested students should contact their school counselor.
Grade Reports ONLY SEMESTER GRADES ARE MAILED HOME!!! All other reports are sent via the student, who receives the grades from their respective seminar teacher. Reports should be signed and returned.
Student Driving/Parking Students need to have a parking tag. Purchasable for $2 in the office. All students must ride the bus back and forth from the High School to the North Tech Center or Field House. Rare exceptions can be made through the HS or TC offices.
Students Leaving School Students must check out of school through the office. Failure to do so may constitute truancy. Exceptions: Students who have classes assigned to other off- campus locations.
Attendance We believe that attendance is a major factor in determining a student success School Board Policy: At 3 absences in a class – letter sent home At 6 absences – letter sent home At 7+ absences – Loss of credit Parents should call the office to alert us of their child’s absence on the day of the absence.
Admit Slips If absent, student must get admit from attendance window. Present the admit slip to the teachers for each class you missed. Must have a note from home or parent must have called in. Otherwise, absence is considered unexcused.
Lockers Lockers are available for all students. Locks are highly encouraged and are available in the office for a $6 deposit. Only school locks may be used. Lockers are the property of Carthage R-9 and can be inspected at any time.
Safe Schools Violations Safe School Violations and will be dealt with as Federal Law requires: Examples (not comprehensive): 1st and 2nd Degree Assault Distribution of Drugs Weapons Possession Real or Fake Etc.
School Grounds Students should understand that the following are ALL considered school grounds and that school rules apply in these locations: Any district buildings or grounds All adjacent properties Vehicles on school grounds Properties where a school function is occurring
Parking Lot Instances of careless or imprudent driving will be referred to the School Resource Officer.
Bus and / or Bus Stop The bus is considered an extension of the classroom. The Student Code of Conduct begins at the bus stop or arrival at school.
Student Medication All medication must be turned into the nurse and given to the student BY the nurse. This includes aspirin and other pain relievers. Medication should be presented in its original packaging.
Pre-Paid Lunch Free and Reduced Lunch forms are available in the office. Charging is not permitted. Money needs to be turned in by 9:00 am. Money is to be turned in to the boxes outside the Media Center or the kitchen.
Computer Network Agreement All students must sign the agreement to be able to access the network. Nothing done on the school’s network is private. Nothing. Depending on the nature of the event, some emails, Facebook comments, etc. can and will be dealt with by the school. …EVEN IF DONE FROM THE HOME AND OUTSIDE SCHOOL HOURS!!!
FINAL EXEMPTION In order to be exempt from finals, a student must have NO ABSENCES* in the class AND have a 90% attendance rate in all classes combined. Seminar absences will count toward the 90% attendance rate. * Funerals, Pre-Approved College Visits, and some Court ordered appearances are exceptions.
Harassment Harassment of any type will not be permitted Harassment- Words or conduct that intentionally intimidate or defame another student or school personnel. Any student who believes he/she has been the victim of harassment should report to the alleged harassment to the Principal and/or the Assistant Superintendent. (Reference: District Policy 2130) This includes harassment based on : Sex (sexual advances, jokes,etc) Religion Race or color Sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation Disability Age
Disciplinary CONSEQUENCE CHART If you plan on being in trouble, please familiarize yourself with this document: Pages 49-51 in Student Handbook.
Do the Right Thing! Staying out of trouble is fairly easy: If you don’t know what the right thing to do is…..ask.
AND REMEMBER… The adults in this building are here to see you and help you through high school. That’s why we work here. We want you to have a successful academic year. We want you to enjoy high school. We want you to look back at these days and feel good about what you accomplished. HAVE A GREAT SCHOOL YEAR!