Guidelines for using this template: You can delete this guidelines page once you’ve read it by clicking and then deleting the slide’s corresponding thumbnail in PowerPoint’s thumbnail pane. Choose an opener slide from slides #2 or #3. Normally, use the more diverse version #3. For predominantly African American audiences, it is OK to use slide #2. Delete the title slide you don’t use. In the thumbnail pane, click the empty main content slide #4, copy it and then keep pasting until you have enough empty slides to fill with your content. Use #5 with the “three more things” as your final slide. When showing that slide, go over each of the three items to explain them. Use #6 or #7 as a final slide only in situations that warrant not showing slide #5. Otherwise, please delete them.
Three More Things Please give us your session feedback now at (works on smartphones) Learn more about the Equity in Mental Health Framework at Know someone stressed, depressed, or anxious? Tell them to text STEVE to 741741 to connect with a trained crisis counselor 24/7. Be well, and thank you.
“Achieving Equity in Mental Health”
“Achieving Equity in Mental Health”