Youth in Nazi Germany Year 10
Nazism and Education In a totalitarian state education is always the one of the first things that is changed – why is this? The sole purpose of this educational structure was to indoctrinate The man chosen by Hitler to run German education was Bernard Rust Hitler wanted to Nazify the whole education system, this included the curriculum, the books and even the teachers Teachers who held anti-Nazi views were sacked or sent on courses to be trained in ‘Nazi’ ideas The main aim was to produce boys with military skills and girls with domestic skills
Examples A bomber aircraft on take-off carries 12 dozen bombs, each weighing 10 kilos. The aircraft takes off for Warsaw the international centre for Jews. It bombs the town. On take-off with all bombs on board and a fuel tank containing 100 kilos of fuel, the aircraft weighed about 8 tons. When it returns from the crusade, there are still 230 kilos left. What is the weight of the aircraft when empty ?" To keep an ill person costs approximately 4 marks a day. There are 300,000 mentally ill people in care. How much do these people cost to keep in total? How many marriage loans of 1000 marks could be granted with this money?"
Using the above source as well as your own knowledge - What was the Nazi philosophy towards educating young German children?
Baldur von Schirach, Hitler Youth Leader Education Syllabus & textbooks changed to reflect Nazi ideas on race & German history Boys & girls taught separately Compulsory membership of German Teacher’s League Leadership schools (Adolf Hitler Schools) Baldur von Schirach, Hitler Youth Leader
Hitler Youth Established Hitler Youth (Hitler Jugend, HJ)1925 1939, 8 million members Camping, hiking, singing folk songs, military training & physical fitness By 1936 membership compulsory German Girls’ League (1.5m members)
Opposition Swing groups Edelweiss pirates Enjoyed Jazz and American ‘negroid’ music Grew their hair long Supported resistance movements Sophie Scholl Leaders of some groups were executed by the Nazis.
The Edelweiss Pirates