Welcome MSW Orientation 2018


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Welcome MSW Orientation 2018 Sarilee Kahn, PhD. Graduate Program Director (QY/MSW) Lillian Iannone Administrative & Student Affairs Coordinator

MSW Program Requirements: Non-thesis option Required courses: (6 credits) Research Methods 1, Qualitative (SWRK 653) Research Methods 2, Quantitative (SWRK 643) 6 complementary courses (18 credits) Fieldwork (12 credits) “ISP” (9 credits) Total of 45 credits

Program Requirements: Thesis option Required courses: (6 credits) Research Methods 1, Qualitative (SWRK 653) Research Methods 2, Quantitative (SWRK 643) 4 complementary courses (12 credits) Thesis (27 credits) (SWRK698 & SWRK699) No fieldwork or field placement credits Total of 45 credits

Children & Families 606 Reclaiming Child Welfare [Fall] 610 Family Treatment [Winter] 622 Family Assessment [Fall] 623 Couple Counseling [Winter] 628 Violence against women [Fall] 657 Mental Health [Winter]

Health and Social Care 510 Disability and Rehabilitation [Winter] 609 Understanding Social Care [Not offered 2018-19] 630 Adult Mental Health [Winter] 655 Seminar on Aging [Winter] 668 Bereavement [Winter] 670 Seminar on Caregiving [Fall]

International & Community Development 532 International Social Work [Fall] 620 Migration & Social Work [Winter] 621 Trauma & Resilience [Fall] 624 Community Organization: Advocacy [Fall] 626 International & Community Development [Winter] Social Policy Analysis [Winter] 603 Evidence-informed Advocacy [Summer]

Complementary Courses Open to All Students 510 Disability & Rehabilitation [Winter] 535 Addictions [Fall] 635 Use of Self [Fall] IDFC500 Aboriginal Field Studies [Summer]

Joint MSW/Law Program 1st year is comprised of law courses Required courses: (6 credits) Research Methods 1, Qualitative (SWRK 653) Research Methods 2, Quantitative (SWRK 643) 5 complementary SW courses (15 credits) Fieldwork (12 credits) Joint MSW/Law “ISP” (12 credits)

External Courses Allowed up to 2 external Graduate Level courses Provide course outline or calendar description to Advisor Advisor deposits a note of approval in your student file Keep a copy for your own records! McGill course? Register through MINERVA Quebec university? Inter-University Transfer Credit Agreement through CREPUQ. Information and application available from http://www.mcgill.ca/students/iut/ Courses offered outside of Quebec? Apply as Special Student Upon completion, provide an official transcript to Lillian Exceptions are U of T & UBC: Graduate Transfer Agreement Form (available from Lillian in General Office)

Time Limitation for Completion of MSW Studies Full-time students: 3 years from initial registration Students starting in September of 2018 must complete all requirements by August 15, 2021 Part-time students: 5 years from initial registration Students starting in September of 2018 must complete all requirements by August 15, 2023

Terms of Study Full-time non-thesis students: register for 3 consecutive full-time terms (12 or more credits) register for 6 fieldwork credits (SWRK660) and 9 independent study project credits (SWRK690) in the 3rd term (summer or fall) Part-time non-thesis students register for a minimum of 3 credits per term (fall and winter); summer session is optional

Full or Part-Time Status * very important to remember * If you have registered for 12 or 15 credits in any one term, you are considered “full-time” and must complete all requirements within 3 years of initial registration This shift in status applies to part-time non-thesis students and to half-time thesis students who request a change in their status to full-time

Tutorials Are negotiated on an individual basis between student and professor Follow the same deadlines for the completion of work as any course Requires the completion of a Tutorial Form, available from the Social Work website: www.mcgill.ca/socialwork (MSW Program, “Downloadable Forms”). All completed forms must be returned to Lillian (Room 300) at the beginning of the term, you register through MINERVA for tutorial. Tutorial grades are submitted by the professor to Lillian at the end of each term by the regular grade submission deadline for courses Verify all your grades through MINERVA

Incomplete Coursework (1) * very important to remember * Unable to complete the requirements for a particular course? Tell your professor; discuss your situation If agreed upon, you will receive a "K“ (incomplete) grade You and your professor must complete a “K/KE” form (available from the Social Work website, MSW Program, “Downloadable Forms”); provide a copy to Lillian for your student file Keep a copy for your records! Course requirements must be completed within an agreed upon deadline and cannot exceed 4 months from end of term After 4 months, “K” becomes“KF” (incomplete/failure) This grade remains on your transcript

Incomplete Coursework (2) Under extenuating circumstances and ONLY IF accompanied by a medical certificate, you may request an additional extension Complete a “K/KE” form, submit it along with medical note to Lillian in the General Office Upon completion of the coursework, professor submits your grade Any graduate student who receives 2 failures (including KF grades) will be required to withdraw from the University

University Regulations & Resources Includes: University Failure Policy University Re-read Policy https://www.mcgill.ca/study/2018-2019/university_regulations_and_resources/graduate/gps_gi_guidelines_policies

Your Assigned Advisor: reviews and monitors course selection What if you took almost the exact same course before? Determines if you can be exempted from a course and advises you on replacing those credits! reviews and approves of external courses Get it in writing!!! meets with you to discuss your ISP or thesis topic; helps you focus your topic and design a manageable thesis or ISP provides scholarly direction for the ISP or thesis ensures ethical standards and ethical approval for research when needed reviews a draft of a section or more for feedback

Changing Advisor? Your Advisor helps you to identify other faculty members who may guide you in your ISP or thesis You then approach other faculty members to discuss the topic of your ISP or thesis You negotiate the advisory relationship You inform the Graduate Program Director (MSW) and the Admin. & Student Affairs Coordinator (Lillian) of the change of advisor in writing (email)

Advisor Leaves? Talk to your advisor about plans for an upcoming sabbatical leave or retirement Plan with your advisor prior to her/his leave Ensure your advisor either continues to oversee your studies or assists you to find a new advisor Report all changes, in writing, to the Graduate Program Director (MSW) and the Admin. & Student Affairs Coordinator (Lillian)

ISP & Thesis ISP Submission Dates: August 15, November 30, March 31 Thesis Submission Dates: Verify at http://www.mcgill.ca/gps/thesis ISP paper 40 pages: See “MSW Non-thesis ISP Guidelines”: Go to http://www.mcgill.ca/socialwork/prospective/msw/formsmanuals Thesis, maximum 100 pages: Go to http://www.mcgill.ca/gps/thesis ISP graded by advisor only External examiner for thesis only

Tips! Enjoy your MSW experience Network with colleagues through courses Set goals/deadlines for completion of course work, ISP or Thesis Tackle parts of your ISP or thesis in your courses Become involved in QY/MSW Advisory Group & SWAGS Talk with your advisor each term Talk with the Graduate Program Director, “I am here for you!”

Mechanisms for Feedback Ongoing: Advisors Mechanisms for Feedback Ongoing: Advisors Field Liaisons Open Hours with Sara: Tuesdays, 2 – 4 pm, Room 426, Wilson Hall or by appointment Community Listening Circle February 8th, 2019

SAVE the DATE! MSW Listening Circle Friday, February 8th, 2019 10 am – 11:30 am Room TBD Your field supervisors will be asked to release you from stage that morning

To Contact Prof Sara Kahn the MSW Program Director: Email: sara To Contact Prof Sara Kahn the MSW Program Director: Email: sara.kahn@mcgill.ca Subject Line: MSW Program Director If you don’t hear back within 2 days, please follow up! Walk-in Office Hours: Tuesdays, 2 – 4 pm (or schedule an appointment) I