Overviews of criminal trials
Create your own survey [two (2) daily grades] Objective: Create a questionnaire that will be used to conduct a survey about your community’s awareness and attitudes about what goes on during a criminal trial. Use that questionnaire to survey family, friends, neighbors, school administrators etc. Anyone who is willing to participate in your survey—it can even be younger siblings/relatives. Compile your data and analyze your findings to determine attitudes about criminal trials and criminal justice.
Drafts of questions are Due at the end of class on Tuesday, 9-5-17 via email to dkligm@sisd.net (draft is ½ of one daily grade, final revisions are ½) You may work with up to three (3) group members. Draft a minimum of 10 questions. More if you want. You will work on this assignment during the remainder of class today, Friday, 9-1-17, and Tuesday, 9-5-17. You will have a substitute on Tuesday (I have a training.) Due to a family issue, I may be out additional days next week. Please be on your best behavior and kind to the sub. If I am out for any reason, I expect your most poised and polished behavior. That means you are to be working on this assignment, or some other academic material, in a desk.
Your goal with these questions is to elicit the following information (minimum—you can go more in-depth) Knowledge about the burden of proof or legal standards used by police to make arrests, and in criminal trials to convict Knowledge about who bears those burdens of proof What is the role of the judge, jury, prosecutor, defense attorney Rights of an accused Components of trial Evidence that you need Whether the individual you surveyed has prior jury service (criminal or civil), what was their experience like General attitudes about police officers, prosecutors, etc. How are they informed about this? Do they have personal experience, movies, tv shows, etc.