Poetry Unit
Haiku—consists of three lines Haiku—consists of three lines. First line has five syllables, second line has seven syllables, and the third line has five again. The third line often contains a surprising or tension element. Snails Makes a slimy path Sticking on the long thick grass Hides from predators
Cinquain—consists of five lines Cinquain—consists of five lines. Line one is the title in two syllables, line two is a description of the title in four syllables, line three is a description of action in six syllables, line four is a description of a feeling in eight syllables, line five is another word for the title in two syllables. Earth Worms Squiggly squirmers Aerating our topsoil Happily helping our gardens Crawlers
Acrostic—the first letter in each line, when read vertically, spells out the name of something or conveys some other kind of message. Towering above the rest Reaching over head Extending to heaven Embracing the sky
Diamante—diamond shaped and consist of seven lines that have the following pattern: noun adjective adjective participle participle participle noun noun noun noun participle participle participle adjective adjective noun tree tall, sturdy standing, towering, observing branches, trunk, anchor, shelter nurtuting, swaying, caring proud, strong tree
Shape Poetry (concrete poetry)—forms a picture of what is happening in the poem. shade branches fruit clothes paper wind barrier fuel furniture resource nuts tree houses maple syrup parks multiple uses seeds oxygen lumber habitat energy building materials Photosynthesis baseball bats Roots Gum Cork Books Paint Cocoa
Free Verse—follows no set formula or style I am The tree That overcomes All. The one That laughs At the wind. One with The wilderness.
So, what’s due by Friday? Write seven poems Four Formulaic Poems One Concrete Poem (shape) Two Free-Verse Poems with a central theme (at least 15 lines long) and at least three different literary and poetic devices. Email me your PowerPoint with all six poems! loriw@dpisd.org ANY QUESTIONS?