Cornell Notes Has anyone ever formally taught you how to take notes? Has anyone ever taught you what to do with your notes once you’ve taken them? Why is taking notes a good skill to learn?
Partners= list some effective ways to create and use notes…. List of great ideas:
Skills needed to become an effective note taker… Know what to write down. Be able to listen to what the teacher says and write it down at the same time. Learn how to use abbreviations. Use symbols and/or indentations on the note page to organize notes while writing. Know what to do with notes after taking them.
Format 5 parts: Heading Topic Notes (subtopics) Questions Summary Questions/Main Ideas Notes: Date: ____________________________________________________________ Period: ____________________________________________________________ Class: ____________________________________________________________ Topic: ____________________ Name: ____________________________________________________________ Format 5 parts: Heading Topic Notes (subtopics) Questions Summary Look at your CN paper. Decide where each section is located. Check your understanding with a partner.
Tips: Know the speaker… Listen for Pauses Repetition Volume Intro. phrases…”the four main points…” Writes on board Visual aids
Tips: Keep up w/ speaker Write only important ideas Abbreviations Pictures Graphic organizers Examples: Speaker says: “George Washington was not, in a sense, America’s first president.” Notes say: “G. Wash. NOT Am’s 1st Pres.?”
Abbreviations With your table, brainstorm as many abbreviations as you can think and tell each meaning. Which abbreviations do you think you’ll use most?
Are your notes done when you’ve finished taking them? NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Brainstorm with a partner what you do with notes after class….. Rewrite if needed Delete irrelevant information Organize information Make study questions for main ideas Fill in details for clarity. Look up and add the definitions of new words Highlight important ideas and key words. Write a summary of the significant ideas.
Studying with Notes Brainstorm all the ways you can study using your notes. Read “Tips for Studying with Notes”
STAR Mrs. Rather will pass out the STAR Notetaking Strategy worksheet Get one piece of CN paper w/ a p., create a CN of the STAR Strategies When your table is done, compare notes. Give ideas for improving their notes, share strategies Make changes to your notes to improve them
The STAR Note-taking Strategy S Set up your paper • Write heading in pen in the upper right-hand corner T Take the notes • Paraphrase the lecture, text, or presentation in the right-hand A After class, apply your thinking • Alone or with a study buddy; work with a partner to review R Review and summarize notes • Reflect by summarizing the notes/questions