INTRODUCTIONS Name Company & Role Microsoft Dynamics NAV Version Did you attend a UG conference or event this past year? What do you hope to gain from today’s meeting? Most recent favorite movie or book?
GET INVOLVED Present. Instruct. Serve. Write. What is your volunteer forte? Learn more & complete your volunteer profile. From your Users Group homepage: Learn and Engage > Volunteer Your Time Speaking points for LEADERS This slide is a reminder that everyone has a talent! Share it with others by getting involved as a Volunteer in the user group. Complete your volunteer profile on the user group homepage, and indicate where you would like to get involved. There are many options and ways to get involved. Write a blog or an article for the magazine, serve on a committee, present a webinar – the opportunities are endless and we would love to have you share your knowledge. Be sure to fill out the volunteer profile, but if anyone is interested in helping lead or support the local chapter community, you should also speak directly with the leadership team
TODAY’S AGENDA Welcome & Introductions NAVUG News & Events Sponsor Presentation Educational Session Roundtable Discussions Networking
SPONSOR PRESENTATION Presented by: John Regan – Avalara / Sales tax compliance update
EDUCATIONAL SESSION Presented by: Daniel Rimmelzwaan Changes to the Dynamics NAV Product
About Daniel Rimmelzwaan My name is Daniel Rimmelzwaan, and I founded RIS Plus on July 1, 2007. My goal is to provide independent services related to Microsoft Dynamics NAV, with a strong focus on Business Analysis and Solution Design. Due to my involvement in the online community, I was awarded the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Award in July of 2005, and I have been re-awarded every year since then (a full dozen this year!). To learn more about the MVP program, click here, and click here to read my profile.
ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION Topic: Going paperless
MEETING DATES & FEEDBACK: Next Date & Time: Location: Educational Topics: Ideas? Member Showcase: Volunteers? *Be sure to REGISTER for the next meeting FEEDBACK on today’s meeting? Go to your local community page and complete the survey! Expand your network, increase brand recognition and establish your company as an expert by becoming an Annual chapter sponsor!